Chapter 12

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R O M A N ~

The rain fluctuates between drizzle and torrential. It messes with your mind. It makes you think things will always be like this, never getting better, always letting you down right when you thought the worst was over.

My dad once told me some people feel the rain. Others just get wet. Guess what? I am the part of the people who just get wet because what is the point of feeling something when it rains? I always believed the nicest aspect about the rain is that it always stops...eventually.

Tonight, as it was raining, I was feeling a lot of things. I am usually the person who simply doesn't give a fuck what happens to who and what, when it rains, but at that moment my only focus was on finding Annah, my anxiety level was off the charts, my heart was palpitating and I felt so worthless and guilty. Something I never normally feel.

I knew this was going to happen to Annah and I still didn't do anything about it until it got worse. Quiet typical of me. What made me feel worse was it took an hour and a half to finally find her. She was walking barefooted, soaked in the rain with her gaze fixed on the ground. I could tell she had been crying for a long time.

For some reason, I felt...I knew what was going through her mind. I know how it feels like to suddenly become popular in school especially for the wrong reasons. I've been there and it was not funny at all, I ended up having to deal with everything alone. My side of the story became irrelevant.

I became the liar, the backstabber, the covetous one, not even a single person was interested in my side of the story. It changed me into something I despised and I wouldn't wish that on anyone, primarily Annah who is gradually becoming the most valuable person in my life.

That was why I strolled hurriedly to her when she squatted on the wet floor. Breaking down was not an alternative. She can cry as hard as she wants to, but I have to make sure that when she stops crying, she will never cry for the same reason again.

I slowly reach my hands to her. She looks up at me blankly for a few seconds as if she couldn't believe I was standing in front of her. I blink slowly at her, giving her time to feel whatever emotions running through her right now. Whenever she is ready, she can take my hand.

She slowly reaches for my hand surprising me for a second. I gasp softly when her cold little hand touches mine. I slowly pull her up and wrap my hand around her. She spurts into uncontrollable tears. I squeeze her lightly and whisper into her ears.

"I'm so sorry". I mutter and I slowly move my hand and cup the back of her head as she rests it on my chest. She tightens her embrace around me. "I'm so sorry I wasn't there to help". I swallow hard as she sobs hard on my chest.

I shut my eyes close raging in anger. Did those people dare to make her cry? At this point I care less who is involved in making such an energetic girl cry, they all have to pay.

"These people know better than to make a girl as you cry". I utter with a scoff. "Things have undoubtedly changed since I left". I scoff.

She suddenly gets quiet, she was sobbing hard a few moments ago. I tilt my head and narrow my eyes trying to understand what is going on. Her embrace around me suddenly loosens. I furrow my eyebrows in confusion.

I pull her away immediately and she falls backs. "Annah!....Annah?". I call, shaking her lightly. "Shit, she passed out". I mumble to myself. I drop the umbrella instantly and carry her at my back towards my car.

S A V A N N A H~

I moan softly squinting and shielding my eyes with my hand from a bright light. My head feels light and my hands feel weak.

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