Chapter 3

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"Good morning Maggie". I greet as I make my way into the kitchen. She looks up from the pineapples she is cutting and smiles at me.

"Good morning, Miss Jennings". She replies and gets back to her pineapples. I rest my elbow on the kitchen counter and roll my eyes.

"Savannah, please". I correct her again for the fourth time since yesterday.

Maggie is our new help, more like a babysitter to me since my dad is barely home. She is pretty young and a little too elegant to be a help, but my dad told me he did a little background check on her and she was simply a maid from a small town in London. I mean she treats me like a daughter so who cares how my heart feels.

She put a bowl in front of me and I pour in my cereal.

"So, Maggie, do you like it here?". I ask, trying not to make things awkward between us.

"I do, I do, your father has been good to me". She answers as she poured milk on my cereal. I dig in immediately and smile at her.

"My dad is good to everybody except me" I utter.

"Scrambled eggs?" She asks and I nod.

"What makes you say that Savannah?". She asks and I drop my spoon immediately.

She pauses for a moment biting her lower lips as if she regrets asking that.

Yeah, I think it is weird too, but I started it, why would I tell her that in the first place?.

She places the scrambled eggs in front of me and smiles nervously.

"Uh sorry, Your dad told me to know my boundaries, especially with you, I- I'm s-."

"It's okay Maggie". I put a fork full of scrambled eggs in my mouth and grab my bag.

"I got carried away, I wasn't supposed to say that, I am my dad's favorite human being trust me, we just don't tell people our business". I hastily stand and make my way out of the kitchen.

"See you after school Maggie". I tone up.

"I totally understand, sorry for being so nosy". She blurted out behind me. I smile and shut the front door close.


I was quite early to school today. Maggie made sure of that, she woke me up 20 minutes before my alarm went off. I was kinda mad when she did, but I must admit, if I had waited for my alarm to go off before I woke up, I would have been deeply in trouble right now.

I opened my locker, took out my dictionary, slammed it close and gasped.

There stands Leah, I kinda have a idea of why she is here but I do not have time for that.

"Jesus! You scared the hell out of me.". I mumble.

"I know where you live Savannah". She utters as I peer at her.

I bite my lips and shrug.

"Umm, listen, Your boyfriend or whoever he is to you-."

"My future husband" she interrupts, I scoff nervously and nod.

"Is something funny?" She asks scowling at me.

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