❄️ First Date! 🔥

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In the morning, I woke up early and ran to shower and brush my teeth. When I finished, I went through my closet to find a cute and casual outfit. This was our first official date and I was anxious. Everything before this was just us hanging out. After getting ready, I went downstairs to eat something small for breakfast. As I sat at the table, I heard distant footsteps and turned my head to see Shoto walking towards me. My eyes lit up at the sight of him. He was dressed really well and his hair was a little neater than usual. I got up and cheerily walked up to him with my arms wide open, but before I could hug him, he stopped me and made me spin around slowly.

 I got up and cheerily walked up to him with my arms wide open, but before I could hug him, he stopped me and made me spin around slowly

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"I'm sorry." He apologized, while looking at me in awe. "You look amazing... Wow, I'm so lucky."

I chuckled while pulling him into a kiss. "You look amazing too, babe. I've never seen you dressed this nice before. You even changed up your hair."

"I'm glad you like it. We have a busy schedule, so let's get started." He smiled at me before grabbing a quick snack and pulling me outside. We walked out of school grounds and I followed him to a nearby bus stop.

"Where's our first stop?" I asked.

"I can't tell you that, but I can tell you that I've been wanting to take you there for a long time. Ever since I realized that I love you." I shrieked at his comment and clenched my fists before jumping into his arms. He looked confused and a little worried. "What was that?"

"This is just so romantic!" I whined. "I don't know what you have in store for today, but I already know that this is gonna be an amazing day."

He laughed and we quickly boarded the bus that arrived. After about a half hour, he pulled me off of the bus and I looked around to realize that we were in front of a hospital. We went inside and I watched him walk to the front desk and sign something before telling me to hold his hand. I quickly held his hand and followed him in confusion. We stopped in front of the door and he knocked before opening it. We walked inside and I saw this white haired woman, sitting on her bed.

"Hey mom

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"Hey mom." He greeted her. "This is my girlfriend Y/n. Y/n this is my mom."

My eyes widened and I quickly greeted her. "It's really nice to meet you. I'm sorry for not greeting you immediately. I was still a little confused as to why we were in a hospital."

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