His Image

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In the morning, I woke up early and feeling refreshed. I went to the master bedroom and took all of the sheets before throwing them in the washer and looking around the house. I looked in the backyard to see a pool with poolside chairs and a nice seating area in the garden. This place was truly enormous. I went into the master bathroom to brush my teeth with a new toothbrush from his cabinet and tied my hair into a ponytail. I went to the kitchen and looked at what he had before making two bowls of oatmeal, topped with fruit. I ate mine and stored his in the fridge before going outside and getting into the pool. I sat on the steps and laid back with my eyes closed until I heard the door open. I looked back to see Shoto approaching in his boxers and felt him wrap my ponytail around his hand before pulling my head back. He kissed my lips and let go of me before sitting on the edge of the pool. I walked towards him and watched him stare at my tits until I placed my hands on his thighs.

"I made you some oatmeal. It's in the fridge."

"You know I have neighbors, right?"

"Yea, why?"

"You're swimming naked."

"I didn't have a bathing suit and they shouldn't be looking into private property."

"Are you purposely trying to cause a scandal?"

"No, but would that be so bad? I don't really care about being caught naked."

"Don't you care about getting into a scandal with me?"

"No. I get into scandals all the time. Even before becoming a hero. Do you care about getting into scandals?"

"I do. I would appreciate you covering up while we're out here."

"... Are you serious?" I scoffed in disbelief. This couldn't be the Shoto that I once knew. "You must be forgetting about our time in your parents summer home or in the U.A swimming pool. You didn't care about scandals back then."

"That was high school. Before my image actually mattered."

"... What is this really about? Your image or your relationship with Yaoyorozu?"


I sighed before getting out and walking away. "You're trying to keep us a secret for what? Because you think I'll tarnish your image in some way or because you're trying to save whatever feelings she has left for you? All you had to do was tell me we're a secret from the start. That you don't want us to be seen together in any romantic form, by anyone." I went inside and went to grab my clothes before putting them on.

"Why are you mad? Did you want to date me publicly?"

"Nope. I'm not interested in dating right now."

"Then what do you want?"

"Nothing from you."

"Really? It doesn't seem that way. You're obviously mad about something."

"I'm not mad."

"You are. I don't understand why if we're not even dating and you just said you weren't interested. Why do you want to be caught doing things like this if we aren't serious? I never went public with Momo."

"Understood. We'll just be casual friends until I leave."

"What? Casual friends?"

"Yep. Your sheets are in the washer. Put them into the dryer for me. I'm leaving." He leaned in to kiss me and I pulled away.

"Now I can't kiss you? Y/n, tell me what you want. Do you want to be caught with me? Do you want to be fucked in a public place? Is that thrilling for you?"

(Todoroki x Reader) Same QuirksOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant