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WELCOME BACK!!!!! Please be patient as I take my time writing this. I just wanna make sure that I'm confident enough to post this and that it makes sense.


After the news stopped live streaming, I helped Shoto up and pulled him outside for a breath of fresh air. We sat on a nearby bench and I quietly watched him breathe. "Should we leave campus to go see your dad in the hospital?" I asked as I began rubbing the back of his neck.

"No, he's fine." Shoto answered quickly. "He's stubborn, so I know he'll come out of the hospital good as new."

"Don't you think he'd want to see you, after the hardest fight of his life?"

"... Yea, but not today. We'll head there tomorrow, after school. I think I'll just call the hospital in the morning."

I nodded in agreement and watched him close his eyes before taking a few more deep breaths. Dinner time was nearing, so I decided to cook for everyone with some of our classmates' help. "Okay, tonight we're making fried rice. It has peas, carrots, bacon, chicken and eggs. I'll put the rice to cook now and I'll season and cook the chicken. Who's doing what?"

"I'll cut and cook the bacon." Said Mina.

"I'll fry the eggs." Said Momo.

"And I'll do the vegetables." Added Bakugo, forcing me to widen my eyes in shock.

"Whoa, really?" I asked him.

"Don't look at me like that! There's nothing better to do!"

I smiled and nodded before getting started. Once we were almost done, I sent Mina and Momo to get everyone and set the table. I quickly finished cooking the whole thing together, and set large bowls around the table so that everyone could serve themselves. I sat next to Shoto and we began eating. Everyone was eating quietly and that was really strange for us. I guess the mood was still tense because of Endeavor and Hawks' fight. "Soo, how's the food?" I asked.

"Really good." Responded Sato. "I also made cake for everyone. I left it in my room to cool down, but I'll get it once I'm done."

"Thank you." I smiled. "... Can you all just talk like normal? I know some of you are itching to say something."

"You're right." Said Kaminari. "I didn't think Todoroki would still be here. Why aren't you at the hospital with Endeavor?"

I sighed and rolled my eyes. "Nevermind. Let's go back to being silent."

"No, you're right. We should talk like normal." Said Kirishima. "How many delicious recipes are you hiding from us?" He laughed.

"Do you know how to make anything else?" Uraraka asked.

I smiled and nodded. "I know how to make tons. I learned from my dad and he's the best cook I know. Does anyone else know how to cook anything delicious?"

Most of them raised their hands and we all started talking about what we could make and what we wanted to try next. Later that night, after washing up, I went to Shoto's room and walked in to see him already sleeping. I turned around to leave and heard him speak. "Come back. Sleep with me." He insisted. I closed the door before crawling into bed with him. He pulled me into his chest and I wrapped my arm around him. In the morning, we got ready for school and made a quick call to the hospital. After a few minutes, Shoto hung up and grabbed his school bag. "He's fine. They said his condition wasn't serious. He should recover quickly."

"That's great. I guess we'll just see it for ourselves later." We walked to school together and I kept noticing people stare at Shoto. I obviously knew why, but I was just thankful that he was often oblivious to his surroundings. Later that day, we left campus to see his father in the hospital. We bought flowers from the gift shop and made our way to his room. Shoto knocked and went inside while I followed.

"Shoto!" His father quickly sat up in shock. His speech was a bit muffled because he had bandages all over his face, including his mouth. "I didn't expect to see you... I'm glad you came and I'm glad y/n is here."

"We wanted to see how you were doing... The beating you took looked pretty bad." Said Shoto, before I elbowed him.

"We're happy to see that you're getting better." I interrupted. "Shoto was really worried about you."

"Y/n" He complained. "... Yea. I was a bit worried."

I noticed a small smile grow on Endeavors lips and I smiled before rubbing Shoto's back. "I'll give you two time to talk. I'll be downstairs." I said.

"I'll go with you."

"It's okay. Take your time." I walked out of the room and went to the ground floor lobby. It was pretty busy, so I went outside and stood by the entrance. I noticed a hooded man walk closer and I quickly furrowed my eyebrows while taking a step back. "Can I help you?"

"Aren't you the one who created those big blue flames at U.A?"

"... I think you have the wrong person." How could he know about that. The news never released my name or face.

"I don't think I do." He lunged at me and I quickly went to burn him, but he didn't seem phased. Once he laid his hand on me, I felt a pinch on my side and quickly lost consciousness.


Uhh, I've read all of the comments and I really appreciate them all. Especially the criticism. They're really helping me develop and evolve y/n. This is the first story I've written specifically for Wattpad, so I really didn't know what I was doing. I will definitely take what I've learned into my next published fanfic, which will most likely be the Bakugo one I've been writing recently. Again, THANK YOU FOR YOUR PATIENCE!! ❤️❤️❤️

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