❄️ The Future! 🔥

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The next morning, news spread about Bakugo and Midoriya sneaking out to have a fight and they were punished with chores and house arrest. Everyone else went to class and took their seats while we waited for Aizawa.

"I'm sorry about yesterday." I heard Todoroki say. "I was upset about the provisional license exam and that guy I was fighting with got into my head... and now it's my fault that 1-B is ahead of us. They all passed the exam."

I sighed before continuing the conversation

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I sighed before continuing the conversation. "I forgive you and it's not your fault that they're ahead or whatever. No matter what, Bakugo was bound to fail with how he was talking to the civilians and it's not a race. You may have failed, but that doesn't stop you from your road to becoming a top hero. No one in 1-B has greater power and drive than you. Remember that the next time you get upset or lose confidence."

Days later, after Midoriya's punishment, he came to class and Aizawa walked in with a group of upperclassmen. They were all strange and introduced themselves. They were known as the big 3 and were apparently just as strong as Japan's top heroes.

The tall blonde guy, named Togata, suggested we all change into our gym uniforms and meet them in gym gamma

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The tall blonde guy, named Togata, suggested we all change into our gym uniforms and meet them in gym gamma. Once we all met up in the gym, he said that we would all be fighting against him alone. That was weird, but once Midoriya started, Togata's clothes fell off. He was completely naked and I quickly covered my eyes. When I looked again, I heard screaming behind me and turned to see him naked again. I watched him knock out most of the class in an instant. He took out all the long distance fighters and began charging towards the short range fighter. We tried fighting back, but his quirk allowed him to pass through anything, so none of us could land a hit on him. He came at me quickly and punched my stomach, just like the others. We were all down and endured the pain as he explained his quirk. After class, we went back to the dorms and rested. None of us could stomach any food, so we skipped dinner. The weekend was finally here and I was excited to see my dad. Todoroki and I parted ways early on, because he went to see his mom and I ran home. Once I walked through the door, I called for my dad and went into the living room to see him sitting there with Todoroki's father.

 Once I walked through the door, I called for my dad and went into the living room to see him sitting there with Todoroki's father

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(Todoroki x Reader) Same QuirksWhere stories live. Discover now