Deku pt.2

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We all went back to U.A and met up with pro hero Thirteen to enter the campus together and saw Endeavor and Hawks in the distance. The new U.A barrier was also up and running, so that meant we were safe from any and all intruders. Before entering, we could hear yelling past the gates. We knew it was the refugees and decided to go in with Midoriya, while Shoto waited outside with his father and Hawks. When we entered, we saw protesters blocking our path and refusing to let us pass with Midoriya. The refugees began getting aggressive after Best Jeanest tried calming them down, and we watched Uraraka float to higher ground with a megaphone.

"Izuku Midoriya has a special power." She said.

"And we're saying that a guy like that shouldn't come here just because he wants to rest!" A refugee yelled.

"No! He left this place because he didn't want to cause anyone trouble! We're the ones who brought him back! His power is special! It's a power meant to defeat All For One! That's why they're after him! That's why he has to go! He left, but do you know what he looks like now?! He's the only one who most wants to do something about this situation, and is walking down a path where he could be attacked at any time! Will you please look at him?!" People began turning around to look at Midoriya and they stared at him in shock. He was just a child, covered in dirt, tattered clothes and a look of exhaustion. "Even if someone has a special power, that doesn't mean they're a special person!"

"Don't tell me you want us to get all beat up like that too? You want us to be covered in mud too?!"

"Only heroes will be covered in mud! Just give us some time to wash off that mud and dirt! Can I reassure you all right now? Sorry, I can't. We're also uneasy! Because we're neighbors, just like you all! So please lend him your strength! So that we can smile together in the future! With all of your power, please, will you let him rest beside you?! Will you let him prepare?! Izuku Midoriya is trying to take on the burden of his power, but he still has a lot to learn! He's just a normal high schooler! Please, let this place continue to be his hero academia!"

I held in my tears as I watched Midoriya fall to his knees. He was crying and we all watched Kota, the little boy we met during summer camp, run to Midoriya's side along with another woman. They hugged him and thanked him for saving them, which brought another man in the crowd to plead for Midoriya's case.

"There were rumors about a young man in rags with multiple quirks." The protester from before continued. "Some said he was stirring up the villains, and some said he was a true hero... Answer this. If you rest here, will things go back to the way they were before?"

"I'll get it back." Midoriya answered. "Because everyone's here with me. We'll get it all back." The protester began walking towards him and held his open umbrella over Midoriya's head. Midoriya continued crying and we all began surrounding him to console him, including the refugees. When we were let through, we ran to our dorm to get Midoriya to wash up and eat. The boys rushed Midoriya to the showers while some of the girls and I began making dinner. We ate and left food out for the guys before hitting the showers ourselves. When we were done, Uraraka went to bed and I sat in the common room with everyone. Midoriya was now clean and had eaten, but he still looked tired as some of us began asking questions.

"Midoriya's probably the sleepiest out of everyone." Said Shoto as he walked in drying his hair. "Let him sleep. Why'd we bring him back otherwise?"

"Is that pose the actual way you'd walk into a room?" Mineta asked, feeling unamused. He began imitating him for everyone to see. "What do you think? How many points?"

"You trying to get suspended?" Sero asked.

"Remind me, which one of you has a girlfriend?" I asked Mineta.

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