❄️New Years!🔥

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After a few days, New Years approached and I planned on spending that holiday with Shoto and his family. I got dressed up and went to their house. When Fuyumi opened the door, she looked at my outfit and immediately frowned. "What? Is something wrong?"

"Where's your Kimono?" She asked.

"Oh. I was supposed to wear one? I didn't know."

"It's okay, Fuyumi." Said Shoto as he walked down wearing his. "Mom sent me to the shop to buy her one."

"She did?" Fuyumi asked, almost with an awkward tone.

"Yea. Come on, y/n. It's in my room." I nodded and followed him upstairs. I looked at his cute black and red kimono from behind and was admiring the detail. It was mostly black with red and gray koi fish and gray water patterns. He looked great in it. He opened his room door and I walked in to see a present box on his bed. "You can open it. My mom wanted to buy you a present for Christmas, so she told me where to find some money she had stashed away..." I went to open the box, but he quickly closed it before I could see it. I turned to look at him and realized how flustered he looked. "Although she bought it, I picked it out, so I really hope you like it."

I smiled before leaning in to kiss him. "I love everything that comes from you." I opened the box to see a black kimono with beautiful red flowers. It was very similar to his and when I pulled it out of the box, I held it next to him to compare the two. "I love it." I smiled. "Can you help me put it on?"

He nodded and locked his door before helping me change. I stood in front of his mirror as he wrapped the obi around me. "Perfect. Now let's put your hair up." He said while brushing it off of my shoulders.

"Do you know how to make a bun?"

"... Make a bun?... Like bread?"

I laughed before opening the door and going downstairs. "Fuyumi. Can you help me put my hair into a bun?" She stared at us from the kitchen and we awkwardly stood still while we waited for her to speak.

"That was quick." She said awkwardly."You put it on fast for someone who's never owned one."

"Oh, well Shoto helped-... Uh. He told me what to do."


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"So, isn't Natsuo-kun joining us?" I said to quickly change the subject.

"He is, but he went to pick up his girlfriend. I'll go get dressed while we wait for him to get here. Let's go do your hair." I nodded as I followed her to her room and sat where she told me to. As she started brushing out my hair, silence filled the room. "You know, I'm not completely oblivious."

"W-What do you mean?" My face flushed as I realized where this conversation was headed.

"I'm his older sister and an adult. I've been through everything you have been through, but for me it was at a later age... You don't think you're too young?"

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