❄️Day One🔥

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I could feel myself waking up slowly. I felt drowsy and sore all over. As my eyes slowly opened, I could see someone in front of me. Seconds passed before I realized it was the hooded man and I quickly sat up on the couch. He was eating as he sat facing me and once he looked up, my stomach dropped. "Oh good. You're awake." Said Dabi. Shock and fear consumed me and I couldn't manage to get a word out. "How was your nap? Has anyone ever told you that you snore? It's all good though. I won't judge... Are you hungry?... Listen, we could do this the easy way or the hard way. The easy way is you talk to me like I'm a friend and we have great conversations and just have fun together. The hard way is I chain you up for as long as I have to and torture you for fun. Either way, I'm having fun."

"Why am I here?" I managed to say.

"Easy, you can create blue flames and so can I. Since we have so much in common, I thought this would be a great bonding experience."

"But why do you want to bond? So you wouldn't feel like a freak on your own?"

He began laughing and dragged his chair closer to me. He grabbed my face and looked me in the eyes, but what I felt from this was strangely comforting. "Why am I a freak? What makes you so different from me? Is it because I'm a villain? Anyone can become one. It just takes the right amount of pain." He was creepily smiling at me, but all I could focus on was his familiar eyes. "Or is it because of my scars? My blue flames did them to me and I'm sure yours will do the same to you. So, befriend me and I'll help you through it."

"That's okay. I'm dating Endeavor's son. He's helped me plenty of times and I trust him to help me through this too."

"Aw, that's so adorable. Good for him." His face suddenly turned serious and he got up before walking away. "I bought you a bento box. Eat up before it gets cold."

I got up and walked over to the table. "... I don't get it. I'm your prisoner, but I'm not chained."

"You have a quirkless cuff on your ankle. You're not escaping."

"Is the food poisoned?"

"If I wanted to kill you, I would've done it by now. Poison isn't my style."

"Does the league know you took me?"

"No, I don't report everything to them."

"How long are you planning on keeping me here?"

"I don't know."

"How do you have money to buy bento boxes? Do you steal them?"

"No, I bought them with dirty money." He began sounding irritated.

"If your quirk gives you so many scars, why do you still use it and does it hurt now or are you used to the pain?"

"Can you shut up?!" He yelled at me. "God, you talk so much!"

"If I'm gonna be stuck here with you, I at least want some of my questions answered!"

He got up and grabbed duct tape from inside a drawer. "Keep it up, I dare you!"

I puffed my cheeks and slowly looked up at him. "You literally said that you wanted to have conversations with me."

He growled before quickly duct taping my hands together and then taping my mouth. He carried me to the couch and tossed me onto it. "You're on a time out." I sighed and waited a few minutes before he decided to untape me. "Did you learn your lesson?"

I nodded and responded. "Don't talk too much."

"Good. Go and eat your food." I quietly ate while he sat opposite of me and watched me. "Tell me about your boyfriend."

(Todoroki x Reader) Same QuirksWhere stories live. Discover now