Romantic Getaway

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After another day, I packed my bags and made my way to Shoto's. Katsuki was about to be busy with some extra shifts, so I decided to take Shoto up on his offer. When I got to his place, he pushed my luggage back outside and rolled his outside. "Okay, let's go."

"Wha- Already? I just got here."

"I know, but we have some very important decisions to make today." He quickly kissed me and pulled me to his car before putting the luggages inside the trunk and getting in the car. He began driving and handed me a face mask and hat to put on.

"What's this for?"

"Put it on when we get to the parking garage." I nodded and when we finally got to the garage, we put on our masks and hats before he parked. I watched him text someone and we soon saw some man walk towards the car. "Let's get out." We both got out of the car and the man bowed before escorting us inside. I looked around to see a billion costumes on hangers and wigs on shelves. We were brought into a room and sat down before they closed the door.

"Is this a costume shop?" I asked.

"More like a disguise shop for celebrities."

The door soon opened and a vibrant looking woman walked in, wearing bright colors. "Welcome!" She smiled. "My name is Hitomi. It's so nice to meet you two. What can I do for you?"

"Nice to meet you." Shoto said. "We're looking for a natural looking disguise for a few days. We'll have different types of dates and need different outfits, but just one wig each."

"Let's see what we can do. I'll have some staff come in to take your measurements." She opened the door and a group of people came in as she was leaving. We got up and they quickly crowded around us to take our measurements and when they were done, they left.

"Isn't this a little strange?" I asked Shoto. He pulled me to sit back down and pulled me into his arms.

"Maybe a little." He agreed. "But they were highly recommended."

"By who?"

"... A secret friend of mine."

"Is it a girl?"

"Will that make you jealous?"

I looked at him and chuckled before Hitomi came back in with racks of clothes. "We pulled a few pieces we think you might like. We have the usual school uniform, some work outfits, cosplay, and much more, but I do think Cold Sun should stick to long sleeves and pants. Your scars are very recognizable. Same with Shoto's eye."

"I can wear long sleeves and maybe some leggings." I answered. "I do like wearing skirts and dresses. How will Shoto cover his eye?"

"With makeup. Do you do your own makeup?" I nodded in response. "I'll give you what you need and I'll show you how to cover his scar. Now, let's try on the clothes before trying the wigs and makeup." The staff began showing us outfits before helping us change into the ones that we liked. After about an hour of trying on clothes, we sat down so that they could install our wigs and they showed us both how to take them off and put them back on. I watched them put some makeup on Shoto and they made me finish the rest to make sure that I understood. When we were done, we put on the clothes we came in and paid for everything before being given two large luggages with everything inside. "Please remember to bring back the clothes in one piece. We allow them to come back a little dirty and with only minor rips. You'll have to purchase them if they have major stains or rips."

We nodded and were escorted back to the car before putting the luggages with the others. When we got in, Shoto began driving and stopped at a convenience store. "Wait here." He said before kissing me and getting out. After a few minutes, he came back with three large bags. He put them in the back seat as I stared at him curiously.

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