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🍋🍋🍋🍋LEMON WARNING!!!! 🍋🍋🍋🍋 This is also a pretty long chapter.

At the end of the day, we met up with them by the school gates and got into Endeavors town car. He drove to this fancy looking restaurant and when we went in, we were quickly seated in a private room. We looked at the menus before ordering and talked while we waited.

"You two must be confused as to why the two of us wanted to speak with you." Said Endeavor. Endeavor looked at Ice Queen and she continued the conversation.

"Sweetie... After that night that you yelled at me, I reflected on what you said and I want you to know that I hear your concerns loud and clear. I valued my career more than my family for too long and that's going to change."

"... What the hell is going on?" I asked with an eyebrow raised.

"I did go to America and when I got there, I packed up all of my belongings and shipped them here... I'm moving to Japan to be close with you and your father. I also filled out the paperwork to transfer to my company's Japanese location. I can be a hero here and be here for you."


"And what does that have to do with you?" Shoto asked Endeavor.

"Well, although she has a hero agency here, she's still not familiar with Japan." Said Endeavor. "Y/n, earlier you said that I wasn't used to working with others and that's true. So, your mom and I have decided to partner up for a while. Two top heroes with two top agencies working together."

"And completely opposite powers..."

"But the same personality." I added. I stared at them before bursting into laughter. They stared at me with confusion plastered on their faces and I calmed myself down so I could speak. "You two do realize that this will never work, right? You won't last a week as partners."

"No longer than three days." Added Shoto. "You're both mean, cold, prideful, neglectful-"

"Don't forget narcissistic, arrogant, passive aggressive-"

"You mean, aggressive-aggressive."

"Oh, right."

"Okay! We get it!" Yelled Ice Queen.

"Our point is that we all know this is a bad idea and we don't believe in you. You're great on your own, but you both don't really work well with others, so this just doesn't make sense."

"We're serious about this and we're gonna make it work. We want to prove you two wrong."

"Whatever you say."

The waiter came in with our food and we began eating. "So, did you two make up?" Asked Endeavor.

"Who are you talking about?" Asked Shoto.

"You and Y/n. She told me about the fight."

I could feel Shoto looking at me and I turned to explain. "I mentioned that you were upset with me, but I didn't go into detail." He probably thought that I told Endeavor why he was mad. "Endeavor, we did make up. We're good now."

"Why did you fight in the first place?" Asked my mother.

"Don't worry about it."

After dinner, they took us back to campus and parted ways. "Are you glad?" Asked Shoto. "You wanted her to stay and now she is."

"A bit, yea. I want to hear what my dad thinks about this. She hurt him the most."

He nodded and held my hand as we walked to the dorms. "I have you for the rest of today and tomorrow. What do you wanna do?"

(Todoroki x Reader) Same QuirksWhere stories live. Discover now