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"Wake up!" Yelled Dabi as he walked into the room. "Iso's shift is over and now it's mine." I was exhausted, covered in blood, piss and shit. I've been tied to this chair for about 10 days. It's getting harder to keep track, but one of them comes in for their shift every real world hour and that marks a new day... or so I'm told. "Drink some water." He held a cup and straw in front of my face and I slowly reached for it before drinking. I quickly finished it and waited for him to feed me. He fed me a bowl of rice everyday, which kept me alive, but left me hungry until the next one. He fed me and I quickly ate before he let me digest for ten minutes. "Are you ready?" He raised a knife to my leg and I quickly shook my head. He slowly began cutting me and I began screaming in pain. "Wow, your screams are getting quieter. Does it hurt less?" I began quietly crying until he grabbed my face and forced me to look at him. "Soon enough, you'll be just like me. Numb to pain or maybe even enjoying it."

*Shoto's pov*

"Todoroki! Wake up!" I quickly opened my eyes once I heard banging on my bedroom door. "Todoroki!" Yelled Midoriya, making me jump out of bed and stumble my way to the door. I opened it and saw him and the rest of the class behind him. "They think they've found her this time. Endeavor and Ice Queen are downstairs." I quickly slammed the door shut and changed before running downstairs. I met up with our parents before being brought to my fathers headquarters.

"Everyone's here." Said Endeavor. "Let's head out." I followed them to the middle of some forest and towards a small cabin. Like before, I was in the second part of the team with Y/n's father, but I couldn't stay put this time. I followed the first team inside and quickly realized that it didn't look so abandoned. I walked behind my father and watched as he approached one of the only closed doors. When he opened it, we were hit with an intense stench and looked inside to see someone with pink hair tied to a chair.

"Y/n!" I yelled before trying to run in, but Endeavor quickly stopped me. Her hair was the same, but she had her back facing us and hadn't moved an inch.

"Darling." Said Ice Queen as she slowly walked in. Her and Endeavor walked in front of her before agreeing that it was actually her. "Remove the cuffs. She's unconscious." Endeavor quickly removed them, but when he did, Y/n stood up and ran to a corner faster than I've ever seen her move. "Honey, it's me. Mom." She walked closer and before she could say anything else, Y/n charged at her with a knife made out of ice. She quickly stabbed her own mother and my father held her arms down before knocking her unconscious.

"Shoto, get out of here." He said. The rescue team behind me ran in and wrapped her up before carrying her outside. I watched Ice Queen tend to her own wounds before following and we all went to the hospital. Y/n was taken to the emergency room at first and was then transferred to the intensive care unit, while Ice Queen's wound was quickly treated.

"What's going on?" I asked. "When can I see her?"

"Give it time... She's not herself right now."

I watched police officers enter the ICU and walk out minutes later. "We can't question her right now." Said an officer. "We need to figure out what happened, but we just received news that cameras and recordings were found in that room. Why don't you come to the station Endeavor and Ice Queen?"

"Sure, we'll go. Shoto, stay here with her father."

"Why?" I whined while getting up. "I need to see it too."

"No, you don't. She's your girlfriend and you'll just get emotional."

"Ice Queen is her mother and you deeply care for her too. You'll all get emotional."

"Let him join us, if that's what he really wants." Said Ice Queen. My father agreed and I followed them to the station. One of the police officers inserted a flash drive into a computer and we watched a recording play. We saw Dabi and some guy carry Y/n in and we heard him explain his plan until he began hitting her. I covered my mouth in shock and watched as the officer skipped a lot of parts, which was just continuous torture and screaming.

(Todoroki x Reader) Same QuirksTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang