Dirty Cheater

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In the morning, I woke up and leaned forward to hug Shoto, but I didn't feel him. I slowly opened my eyes and looked around to see he was gone. I got up from bed and fixed my hair and pajamas before leaving the room. I walked into the living room and smelled something cooking before heading to the kitchen. I walked in to see Shoto cooking breakfast and I wrapped my arms around him.

"Good morning." He greeted me.

"Good morning." I smiled. "What are you making?"

"A simple breakfast. Grilled fish, rice, miso soup and tea. You can survive without your American breakfast for one day, right?" He cheekily smirked at me and I gasped before smacking his butt.

"Are you making fun of me?"

"Noooo. I would never." He said sarcastically.

"Now you listen here. You can just tell me that you don't want me to make you American breakfasts anymore. No more eggs, bacon, sausages, pancakes, waffles, oatmeal, french toa-."

"Okay, okay, okay. I take it back. Don't break my heart. Go brush your teeth. I'm almost done." I left to brush my teeth and when I was done, I went back to the kitchen to see the table set up.

"Thank you." I smiled before kissing his cheek and sitting down to eat. "Are you gonna tell me what's on today's agenda?"

"Nope. I'll just pick the outfit, but it will be fun today. I promise."

"Can I take a guess?"

"Mm, sure. You get two chances."

"A beach date. It's romantic and fun and-."

"We don't have any bathing suits. One more chance."

"Mm... What would they even have in a small town like this? Clubbing?"

"That's your second guess and it's wrong."

"That wasn't a guess!" I complained. "I was just thinking out loud."

"Too late." He smiled. "Eat up."

I pouted before eating and when we were done, I watched him go through our bags to pull out our costumes for the day. He pulled out jeans and t-shirts. "Arcade?"

"No." We began changing and I went to grab the wigs until he stopped me. "We won't be using them today." I nodded and when we finished changing, we went into his car.

"We're going somewhere without our disguises? It must be private."

"It's exclusive and they need to know who you are for you to enter. It's a place that only allows public figures and popular influencers. Even their dates need to be known." He began driving out of the town and after about an hour, he drove into a forest. I began feeling anxious and soon watched him drive towards an abandoned building. He drove into the underground parking lot, where there were already a few cars. When he parked, we noticed a couple walking into the entrance and we got out to follow. The door was already closed and I watched Shoto knock.

"Who?" Someone said from the other side of the door.

"Heroes Shoto and Cold Sun." After a few seconds, the door opened and a large man gestured for us to come inside.

"You have to sign an NDA before entering. After that, we'll have you on file for every time you come back." I anxiously looked at Shoto for reassurance and watched him sign the paper on the table nearby. They looked at me and I hesitantly signed. "Here." He said while handing us electronic wristbands. "This is how you'll pay for everything at the end of the day. Go ahead and press level five." I tightly held Shoto's hand as we walked down the hall and into the elevator that looked like the elevator of a five star hotel. Shoto pressed the level-five button and when it stopped, the doors opened. I could see a distant doorway with bright lights and heard people talking and screaming. When we walked through, my jaw dropped upon seeing a giant, underground carnival park. There were rides, games, food and a lot of celebrities that I recognized.

"No way." I said. "How is this possible?"

"I'm not sure." Shoto responded before smiling. "Ready for some fun?" I nodded and he began pulling me towards the spinning swing ride. We got on and sat together while we waited for the ride to start. When it did, our seat, along with everyone else's, started spinning us in circles. After that and a few more rides, we began trying out the smaller attractions. We went to a giant inflated obstacle course where we planned to compete against each other. We got ready at the entrance and ran after being told to go. We were nearly done and were having a lot of fun, but I wanted to win.

"Ah! Shoto!" I yelled while pretending to have a sprained ankle. He quickly stopped to check on me and I pushed him back before running towards the slide. I threw myself down, making it to the end and saw him soon join me.

"You dirty cheater!" He yelled while grabbing and pulling me into his arms. I laughed and watched him smile before he kissed me. I kissed him back and wrapped my arms around his neck until we heard someone else speak.

"The private bedrooms are on level four." Said the obstacle course attendant.

"Oh, thanks."

Feeling embarrassed, we grabbed our things and walked away before taking a break to grab some food. We got ourselves some fries, chicken and soda and sat at a nearby table. "I'm really having a great time." I smiled at Shoto. "I can't believe a place like this actually exists."

"So, does this mean you'd come here with me again?"

"Of course."

"Good." He smiled. "Let's finish eating, so I can win you some prizes before we leave." I nodded and after eating, we walked to the game booths. "Tell me what prizes catch your eye. I'll win you whatever you want."

I looked around and smiled as I found what I wanted. "There." I pointed to the giant red panda plush. "I only want that. We can't leave here without it."

"Okay." He chuckled amusingly. He walked up to the booth, where you needed good aim to win. Shoto was handed a pellet gun and was told that he could get the panda if he knocked down 10 empty cans without missing a shot. I watched him shoot down every can, ultimately winning the panda. The game attendant handed him the red panda and I excitedly waited for him to give it to me. He turned to look at me with my arms wide open and I watched him walk away with the panda still in hand.

"Huh?!" I yelled, feeling confused. "Shoto!" I ran after him and made him stop walking. "Where are you going?"

"I'm taking my prize home."

"I thought you won it for me." I pouted cutely and watched him stare at me pokerfaced.

"Nope." He continued walking and I huffed before beginning to walk in the opposite direction. "Get back over here!" He yelled before throwing me over his shoulder. I held onto his back as my legs dangled in front of him.

"I thought you were taking your prize home."

"I am. You're my prize and I'm taking you home." I felt him kiss my thigh and I quietly smiled to myself. He carried us to the elevator and I felt us going up until we were back on level one. He put me down before we walked to the front, where he paid. We were soon led back outside and walked to the car, where I remembered where we were. When we got in, I looked at the time to see that it was already night and Shoto drove out of the parking garage. It was pitch black outside and he was driving through the forest again. My heart began pounding with anxiousness and I soon began to shake. I could hear Shoto speaking, but I couldn't hear what he was saying over the sound of my heartbeat. It suddenly felt like it was getting harder to breathe and as I looked at the passing trees, everything began to spin, making me feel sick. "Y/n?" I began breathing heavier and I quickly started crying. Tears quickly streamed down my face and I dug my nails into my thigh to try to gain some control, but it just made me cry louder. "Do you need me to stop?"

He was about to pull over and my stomach quickly dropped. "No!" I yelled. "Drive out-out of the forest." He began speeding until we were out and he tried stopping again. "No. Please, I'll tell you when to stop. Keep driving." After driving about a mile, my breathing began to calm down and I made him pull over on the side of the highway. I quickly got out of the car and quietly cried into my hands until I felt Shoto hold me.

"What happened?" He softly spoke. I hugged him and quietly sobbed until I stopped. When I was done, I got in the car without saying a word and waited until Shoto drove back to the Kanazawa house. When we got inside, I went to the spare bathroom and locked it before showering by myself. After getting out and changing, I went to bed.

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