❄️Belated Birthday🔥

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Lemon warning again 😅 This is also the last chapter for a while, until the next season is fully out.

In the morning, since it was my last day with Shoto for a while, I planned on finally doing what I wanted to do for his birthday. I woke up early for school and went ahead of the others to help out the teachers. After school, I had to stay for an hour, but once I was done, I rushed to the dorm and carefully looked around to see where Shoto was. I saw him in the common room with the others and flew up to my balcony before going in. I ran to Shoto's room and quickly set up his room with what I had bought him. I lit the candles, pulled his bed to the center of the room, cleaned up a bit and started boiling some tea. I opened his laptop and started playing some relaxing music before running back to my room. I quickly changed into some regular pajamas and texted him before going back to his room. I turned off the lights, only allowing the candles to light the room and I poured the tea into a cup before the door opened. I smiled as he stared at me from the door and slowly walked in.

"Uh, what's going on?" He asked.

"It's your belated birthday present." I responded with a smile on my face. "Take off your clothes, put a towel around your waist and have some tea."

He nodded before stripping and wrapping a towel around his hips. I handed him the tea and he sat on his bed to drink it. "So, what are you gonna do to me?"

"Pamper you, like how I wanted. Just relax and let me do my thing." He finished his tea and I carefully made him lay on his stomach. I sat on his thighs and rubbed some massage oil on his back before starting. As I kept going, I was able to earn a few satisfied groans and moved my way towards his shoulders and arms. After finishing the upper body, I turned around and sat on his ass, so I could do his legs. I made my way down to his feet and rubbed them for a while before making him flip onto his back. I got up before making my way up again and as I was rubbing his thighs, I noticed his towel getting higher. "Are you getting a boner right now?"

"How can I not?" He asked. "You're making me feel good." I laughed before massaging his hips and going straight to his shoulders. After massaging his hands, I went to wash my hands and got ready for the facial. I filled a bowl with hot water and left a small towel in it to soak. I gently rubbed facial soap into his face and wiped it off before putting a face mask on him. "This is the best birthday present I've ever gotten." I watched his lips form a smile and I smiled before carefully kissing him.

"I'm glad you're enjoying it so far." After a few minutes, I took the face mask off of him and wringed out the wet towel before heating it up. I placed it on his face, leaving an opening for his nose and gently pressed down for a bit before removing it. "Okay. We're almost done. Go shower and come back."

"... I don't ever want to leave this bed again after all of that."

I laughed and got up before pausing the music. "Babe. You need to go so I can give you the full experience."

He sighed before getting up and putting on some clothes. Once he left, I cleaned up and got the last things ready. When he came back, I made him strip into just boxers and sit down so I could put lotion on him. When I got his back, I made him lay on his stomach and put the weighted blanket on him. "You really went all out."

"Only for you." I chuckled and started rubbing lotion into his skin, only lifting the blanket off of areas I was lotioning and putting them back when I was done. By the time I was almost finished, I could hear light snoring and realized he had fallen asleep. I smiled and finished lotioning his hand before fully covering him and cleaning up after myself. I left and went to shower before heading to my room. I sat quietly and looked at the vibrator that we left on my table. I got up to grab it and laid down before pulling my shorts off. I put the blanket over me and closed my eyes as I thought of Shoto. I inhaled deeply before turning it on, spreading my legs and pressing it against my clit. It didn't feel as intense as last time, but it still felt really good. I imagined Shoto tongue entering me while I played with myself and began softly moaning as a sensation began to build within me. After a minute, I knew I was close to squirting, but suddenly heard my door open. I quickly turned it off and left it under the blanket before seeing Shoto walk in.

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