The Wedding

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🤬Inappropriate language in this chapter!🤬

Today is Bella's wedding and she is still calling me everyday, three times a day

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Today is Bella's wedding and she is still calling me everyday, three times a day. I finally answered my phone."What do you want Bella?" I say as I am tired of her bugging me day in and day out, and with the baby coming soon I have just had enough.

"Aleera! Oh thank god! You are ok!" She says all worried. "I have been so worried about you and the baby." She says with a small chuckle.

"I don't know why you are worried about us? It's not like we are friends or family. What do you want Isabella?" I say/ask with anger in my voice. I take a deep breath as Paul walks down the stairs and looks at me. I roll my eyes and mouth Bella. He nods his head in understanding, but stays close just in case.

"Have you changed your mind about coming to my wedding?" She asks, I could hear the smirk through the phone. Like she knew something I didn't.

"NO! I am not coming to your wedding!" I say as dryly as I can. "I don't know why you would think that would change. But it hasn't. It never will." I say with a little more sass.

"Come on Aleera don't you think you have pushed this far enough. I mean get over it. WEveryone makes mistakes." Bella says with annoyance in her voice.

"I am over it... It's you that doesn't understand. We are not friends, we are not family... But yet you won't leave me alone to live my life, how I want to. It's a little sad don't you think?" I say/ask Bella. I hear her gasp and then fumble with something. "Now stop calling me and move on with your life Bella." I say as I hang up my phone. I look over at Paul as he smiles at me.

"How is my beautiful wife and my little pup doing this morning?" He asks, sitting beside me and rubbing my belly.

"Started out bad, but it is looking up."I say as he leans in and kisses me. Moving me to his lap so he could deepen the kiss. I moan as he cups my breasts.

"Good now let's move this to our bed!" Paul said with a sexy smirk as he unbuttoned my shirt revealing my bare chest. He bites his lip as he picks me up and heads up stairs.

 He bites his lip as he picks me up and heads up stairs

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The Wedding

With more vampires in the area we are having to watch the wedding which does not sit well with me and Jared. Jake called and said that there are 5 more at the wedding and to be ready if needed. He also asked Sam if he had to stay at the wedding. He didn't want to be there without Amara. Amara refused to go, saying that she didn't know or like Bella so why should have to fake being happy for someone she didn't like.

"What is Bella doing?" Quil asked, looking out from the woods pointing toward the party. Jared and I were in our wolf form as everyone else was still human.

"OK! Bella? What is so important that you have to tell me away from everyone else?" Jake asks, looking annoyed with her. Bella looks like she has a pound of makeup on to cover her two black eyes and broken nose that Amara gave her a few days ago.

"So Edward can't have kids since he is a vampire. And I want to have one before I am turned. I was hoping that you would help me there. Jake, will you give me a baby?" Bella says looking at the ground instead of Jake. Who looks to be in shock.

"I'm sorry you want me to do what NOW?" Jake asks, looking at Bella confused and angry with her.

"I want you to give me a baby!" She says moving closer to Jake trying to touch him, as he steps back looking at her in disgust. We all stood in shock.

"You're joking right. I mean you are married to your leech and you are trying to get me to sleep with you?" Jake says with anger and annoyance this time.

"It's not like that... We want to have a baby and you're the answer. You would come with us on our honeymoon and after Edward claims me then... It will be you and me every day and night until I get pregnant." She says matter of fact, tone in her voice. Jake is just standing there in shock.

"And what about my imprint? I'm just supposed to leave her and run off with you and your leech? So you can have a baby." Jake asks, starting to shake with anger. I was sure this was what she wanted to start a fight but knowing her. She found a way to get Jake back on her side.

"What about her? It's not like you love her or anything." Bella says coldly to Jake. We hear Jake growl at her.

"I do, though!" Jake says, looking at Bella hurt. "I do love her!" Jake yells at Bella. Bella looks at him like she is going to cry.

"You love her? W-w-What about me? Jake? You are supposed to love me, not her. I can give you so much more than her. Take you away from the pact that you never wanted to be a part of." Bella yells as Edward comes out. Bella grabs Jake's arm and starts to pull me to the house.

"Bella! It isn't going to happen... I love Amara and I love my pack. They are my brothers and sisters. I trust them. You, on the other hand, can't be trusted." Jake says just as Sam comes out of the woods.

"Jake, it's time to come home. Get Seth, Billy and Sue and meet us out front NOW!" Sam says in his Alpha voice. Jake nods his head and moves around Edward and Bella. Bella glares at Sam.

"You're not welcome here!" Bella says, still glaring at Sam.

"That's where you are wrong. Because you and the Cullen's are no longer welcome here. Terms of the new treaty. Once the wedding is over you all leave and never come back." Sam says as there are whoops and yeahs from the rest of the pack. Me and Jared growl at Bella and the leech. Bella storms off with Edward behind her. We meet Jake out front of the house, Sue, Billy and Seth get into the car as Jake runs to the woods and phases.

"Want to get home to your imprint?" Jared teases him. Jake nods his head.

"More than you know... Can you believe what Bella was asking me to do? I mean she couldn't have been serious? Right?" Jake asks, almost making himself gag.

"Sick and twisted the whole lot of them! And she is the craziest one." Jared says, running next to Jake.

"Good thing you have an imprint and are over Bella... Or you would have done it. Just to make her happy." I say as I run past them to the pack house where the imprints are. Phasing back and getting dressed as I hear Aleera scream. I ran into the house followed closely by the pack. "What the Hell is going on here?" I yell, getting everyone's attention.

"Kim scared Aleera..." Amara says with a laugh at my wife, who looks pissed at Kim.

"Only because she scared me first... Making me think her water broke!" Kim says, throwing a pillow at Aleera. Aleera just laughs and throws it back at her. I shake my head at them. Thank god we are having a boy. At least I will be able to save him from some of the crazy from the girl/women in our lives.

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