All this time, I kept thinking about myself only. I never thought from their perspective, what they're feeling about it.

I'm such a horrible person.

"I'm sorry...I never knew you felt this way."

"You don't have to say sorry. There are other reasons too." What other reasons might there be? Luckily, I don't have to voice out my inquiry because he's already elucidating the first portion of his 'reasons'.

"One of the reason is, if you don't stay with me then Seungchol will crash here every night. He snoors and talks nonsense during sleep. He's this huge, taking over the whole bed like it's his private land and I'm this small, struggling to adjust at a small corner of the bed." Well now that's pretty bad.

"Another reason is there's a thief on the loose. He or she is stealing different stuffs from different houses in the neighbourhood. That thief is stealing foods from our house, mainly cheerios." Now I know why Dokyeom was addressing me as cheerios thief earlier.

Who steals cheerios out of all things  by the way?

"We aren't able to catch the thief, he or she is escaping right under our nose everytime. So just in case, it's better not to stay alone. You know you can robbed." I give a small nod of acknowledgment as response.

"Speaking of burglars, do you know where the broomstick is? I'm pretty sure we left it in my room when we ran..."

Crap the darn broomstick.

He seems to be really concerned about it like it's his irreplaceable other half or something. How am I suppose to tell him that I burnt it in our very own backyard out of aggression and vengeance?

"I-I don't know where it is. I didn't notice. But seriously, what's it with you guys and the broomstick?" I reckon him to laugh but he doesn't. He becomes ten times more serious and all sentimental in lieu of sarcastic.

"That broomstick is a lucky charm. It saved our life more than once." He says, rubbing out some fake imaginary tears. I ask him how can a wooden hell besom perchancely save someone's life while it almost took mine.

"Once upon a time, I was showering alone."

Oh my god this is going to be long tiring story.

"Suddenly, a huge creepy lizard emerged out the drain and slowly slithered towards me with glowing eyes and dark evil deeds." He describes the lizard with much vulnerability, as if it is the most vicious creature on this planet.

Like seriously, who fears a lizard at his age?

"The only weapon I had to protect my sanity was that broomstick. If it weren't for it, I would be in pages of the history by now." I'm starting to wonder if he's on any kind of drugs. "After that, we barely see any lizard in this house. We also chased a wild cat with it the other day. Big time. Lucky charm don't you think?"

I nod silently at his nearly-making-any-sense stories. But internally, I am screaming. If they somehow find out that I burned their precious so called lucky charm, they'll one hundred percent declare domestic war against me. Even if they don't, there's still high chances that they will set up a gigantic bonfire and throw me into it.

If I think mathematically, the ashes of that besom probably got dissolved with the soil. So there's no evidence. Means I'm safe. I guess. Until someone digs it's grave up.

RIP broomstick.

"I wonder where it is." He mumbles, putting a finger under his chin. Keep wondering bro. Don't ever find out.

"By the way, you and Coups look good together." His pupils start wandering. He tosses his head to the opposite side, probably trying to hide his redden cheeks. Although he's not directly facing me, I can see a shy grin creeping on to his face.

Truly Yours • Kim Mingyu Where stories live. Discover now