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A month has passed since I've been grounded. A freaking month. Despite the dramatic start, it has been quite peaceful. Jeonghan and I haven't reconciled yet, of course. We haven't exchanged a single meaningful word. Everytime we ran into each other it was just "hmph".

Stubborn as a mule, I know. I'm no different, we've the same genes afterall.

I don't see him nowdays, not even his shadow. Rumour has it he's been busy with promotions and stuff. I haven't seen Mingyu after that day either.

However, Jeonghan being Jeonghan has appointed several wardens to watch over me. Turns out everyone was in favour of me being locked up.

The boys have been watching me like a hawk, tracking my every movement in this house. They're overdoing it. Notwithstanding, I can't win over an army of 11 boys on my own.

On the contrary, me and Wonwoo have been doing . . . sneaky things.

There were times I felt like I was in some kind of under cover mission.

The guys keep me under watch 24/7, but there's one time in a day when they're indulged in their own activities. The afternoon tv show, power rangers. My saviour.

We took advantage of that time and sneaked out multiple times out of the kitchen window and went out to click pictures for my portfolio; few dates here and there too.

During the process, I realized that I absolutely love this thing called modelling. It's not just about standing infront the camera and posing; there's a sense of freedom which I've been longing for eternities.

I love everything about it and it's driving me crazy. It's the only thing that makes my heart beat so loud that I can hear it in my ears. This is an incontrovertible evidence that modelling is the only thing for me and if I walk pass by it sussing the circumstances, I'll definitely start losing myself.

My portfolio has been sent to some agencies along with my résumé. It wouldn't be possible without Wonwoo. He did all the official work by himself. Though I haven't seen him doing anything in particular aside from painting, he sure knows alot of stuff.

It took time and effort to get this far, considering how we had to keep hiding and the afternoon show duration was only one hour. It was exhausting at some point too, but it'll all be worth it if even one of the agencies accept my eager ass.

I don't want to tell Jeonghan or the guys before getting in. I've been living with them for almost all my life. When I was separated from them, I comprehend their need meticulously. I vowed that I'll never take them for granted.

Working outside is a big matter, important too. So their approval matters to me. I'm hoping they won't object, but if I tell them after getting in it'll surely add an alibi.


Today, I've an interview with apparently the best and most famous agency of Korea. It manages the stars of the industry and has gone global last year according to the internet.

It's a long shot. Yet it's my last hope since I've failed all my previous interviews, unfortunately. I can't say it didn't discourage me. It did, alot. My passion for this job is the only thing keeping me going.

There's high chance I won't get accepted this time too, but I don't wanna leave behind any regrets. Even if I fail, I'll least be satisfied with myself that I tried and gave my best till the end.


"We're at our destination." Wonwoo says as he steps onto the break and stops the engine.

He's been amazingly good to me for the last month. He was always nice, but nothing in the past compares to the present him.

Truly Yours • Kim Mingyu Where stories live. Discover now