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Third Person's POV:

Miyeon's heart drops at her feet. She stares at them, blankly and thoughtlessly. No matter how hard she's trying to think of something that'll convince her what she saw isn't real, she just can't get through it. Picking up her heart and putting it back to her chest suddenly becomes the most hardest thing in the world.

Her statement may have been interwaved with a thread of derision and unreasonable calmness, but on the inside, she is breaking. Feelings of hurt, anger, agitation and so many other things she can't name are raging up all at once like a fierce hurricane, ravaging everything that stands in it's way.

She looks down and clenches her jaw, the incontrovertible ache of seeing the man being kissed by another woman who isn't her catalyzes to sink in and she finds herself gradually drowning in it's depth. 

'Is this it?' She asks herself.

'No, it's not. Not when it's Mingyu, it can never be. You can't give in like this, Miyeon. Swim your way out of it. Find your way back to the surface.' a voice calls.

'I c-can't. It's too dark here. The waves are too strong.'

'You're stronger. Try harder.' the voice insists.

She takes a moment to register that voice's urge in her mind and nods to herself. I won't let those waves consume me; she chants silently.

Something Eunwoo had told her once long ago suddenly flits before her. She thanks the heavens for it, because it was the the only push she needed in order to try harder and reach the shore.

"Don't ever let the gust of emotions get the best of you, don't let it thrust you into the corners of hollow darkness and hopelessness. Don't make the same mistakes as I did."

Till today and onwards, she never figured out the answer to what mistakes he made, for which he had to pay such huge price as getting banished from the abode of God and ending up in the underworld.

Maybe some mysteries don't have answers; she thought and moved on.

The heavens sighed and replied, "Maybe you didn't search for it as desperately as you should have. May the answers come to you one day, so you can realize what a great act of injustice you have committed by not setting the angel free from his sufferings and repent for as long as you shall live."

Miyeon takes a step forward and raises her head to meet Mingyu's panic-stricken eyes. The storm inside her seems to have quieted down somehow. She can think straight again, think about the promise she made to him and herself after they got back together. 

"I'll never misunderstand you and push you away again based on just assumptions and what others say. Even if it's super, mind-blowingly horrible and it makes me lose my shit for some moments, I'll get back to you and I'll listen to you first before anyone else. Whatever it is, you don't need to face it alone. We're in this together Mingyu, always. No matter what. I promise."

With that, she sets aside all the negative thoughts and decides to put her faith in him instead of what she witnessed, in their love. Just like she promised she would.

"After everything we've been through, I'll only believe in what you say. I'll believe all of it. If you tell me that you are willingly a part of it, I'll not drag it any further. I'll just walk away . . . from you, from everything. If you say she forced herself on you, I'll believe you and I'll stay right here and I'll do what needs to be done," She breaths out heavily, allowing her nerves to escape along with it before she pleads, "So, please . . . only the truth."

Truly Yours • Kim Mingyu Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant