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We're out of the cafeteria, wandering desultorily beside the road near the hospital, our hands intertwined just like the way he likes it.

It's working hour now, so there's almost nobody on this road. The air around us is peaceful and free from chaos and any kind of noise. It'd be just perfect if our minds were also as tranquil as the blowing wind.

Mingyu's mouth is zipped. However, I don't have to worry about his quietness this time. He knows I'm still thinking about how to confront everyone, that's why he's quiet. I'm certain he's thinking too. It's all we can do now; think.

I hark back to the time when Jeonghan got so mad at me for coming back with Mingyu in his car, that he decided to ground me and even now I'm dubious if he has given any thoughts to unshackle my chain and letting me out of my cage.

Then comes the youngest one, Dino. He didn't say much to me when he found out I work under Mingyu's company, but the way his face overshadowed with clouds darker than the shades of black and infuriation tinged his brown ingenuous eyes for a second was enough for me to apprehend what he had on his mind; I hate Mingyu hyung and I'll never forgive him for what he did to me.

Concerning, very very concerning.

"Should we not tell them? Yeah, let's do that." My sudden interjection of words cause him to stop on his tracks. He takes a quick glimpse of my face, then looks at the graciously clear sky and continues ambling.

"They'll find out eventually. Their reaction that time will be far more terrifying than their reaction if we tell them ourselves," he says. He's got a point. "Let's wait until your brother returns. We'll tell them everything then."

"What if they don't approve?"

"I'll kidnap you and flee from the country." He chuckles.


"We'll have to sell both of your kidneys and my entire company for that." He says, laughing even more. He slungs his arm around my shoulder and strokes my hair, "We've come a long way for this. We'll be okay, don't worry. I'll try my best to win their hearts. They can't be angry forever. They're good people, I'm sure they'll understand."

I release a deep breath. "I pray so." I say.

"Do you want to go anywhere from here?" He asks.

"Don't you have to go the company?"

"I have to, but . . ."


"Should I slack off for today and spend the day with you?" Yes, please.

"Uhh . . . if it's not really urgent, then I suppose you can do that. I mean you're sick so--"

He cuts me off, "Just say you want me here. Don't be shy." He remarks, poking my cheeks with his fingers. Why am I so predictable?

"Who says I'm shy, I-I am not shy!" I assert.

"I aM nOt sHy, what a beautiful lie."

"It's not a lie!"

"I can smell absolutely zero truth in there."

"Ughhhh I hate youuuu!"

"I love you more~" Ruffling my hair, he places a soft kiss on my cheek and pulls me closer to his warmth with a broad smile of unfeigned joyousness.

I swear my heart does a summersault in my chest everytime he smiles at me like that.

"By the way, speaking of your company reminded me of something. You said to me at the interview that you took over KMG Entertainment after your father. But I've received some information from a reliable source that you started this agency on your own without anyone's support, from the scratch. I'm curious, which one of you is right?" I ask.

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