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My eyes flutter open as I feel someone's soft breath tickling against the skin of my neck. I rub my eyes with my thumb in order for things to come to focus.

The mild rays of sun is adequately peeping through the window, I can hear birds chirping coming from at a distance. It's already morning.

I shift my gaze to the figure who is holding me gently yet securely in his arms, and on the instant a smile plasteres on my lips. His back is resting against the wall beside the door. The blood from his wounds have dried, there's still stains of tears on his cheeks.

Despite the calamity he went through last night, he looks as peaceful as dew-mist from an evening sky right now. It fills my heart that has finally recovered from all the anguish and devastation with immense delightness. I curl up against his chest and close my eyes. A warm sense of comfort and safeness surrounds me as I listen to his calm, rhythmic heartbeat. I haven't felt like this in a very long time. It's beautiful.

As much as I want to stay with him like this for the rest of the day, I need to take him to the hospital and get his wounds treated as soon as possible. So I lightly nudge his hands and call his name. He squirms while mumbling some obscure words. He's so not cursing me for waking him up, is he?

"Stop pretending, wake up now sleepyhead." I chuckle. His eyes open fully and meet mine, "Hey." He mutters, a sweet grin spreading across his face.

"How does your head feel?" I say.

"All right. I'm strong you know."

"We'll see how strong you really are when they apply antiseptic on those wounds."


"Mhmm. I'm gonna take you to the hospital, then somewhere to eat and spend rest of the day. Oh no, not rest of the day actually. You probably need to go to the company." I remark.

"Can't you just put a band aid on them?" I hate hospitals and I hate doctors." He scrunches up his nose and makes a long whining sound, causing me to giggle. God, he's adorable.

"Bold of you to assume that your injury is minor enough that only a small plastic band aid can cover it up. You need bandages. Big bandages."

"Fucking hell, I can't imagine wearing those ugly things around my head and walking up to my office."

"You don't need to imagine. You're gonna live it in an hour or so." I say and pat his shoulder.

He cocks an eyebrow, "Is that how you console people?"

"Not people, just you." I state sarcastically, earning a small laughter of appreciation from him.

"How was your vacation by the way?"

"Vacation? What vacation?"

"Weren't you on vacation for the past few days?"

"Me on vacation? I still haven't had the luxury to spend one. I was on a bussiness trip in Tokyo. Who told you that piece of crap?"

So that's why I couldn't reach him. Here my dumb ass thought he was running away from me on purpose.

"Your secretary, Ms. I-don't-like-atall-Manoban." I reply.

He groans and throws his head back. "Holy nightmare, that woman. What do I do with her," He strokes my hair and asks, "You reached out to me?"

"Yeah, I was looking for you like crazy."

"Aww really? I'm sorry on Lisa's behalf." He says and kisses my forehead. "It's okay. Not your fault she hates me." I shrug.

Truly Yours • Kim Mingyu Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora