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One eternity has passed and I'm still cleaning the floor. Cleaning is such an exhausting work, I dozed off twice while doing it. People who do cleaning as their hobby really intrigue me. For example my best friend's fiance, The8 and our cute little music genius, Woozi. Their rooms look like five star hotel while mine looks like a junkyard. Shame shame shame.

I also have to wash the blood stain from my sleeves after that. There's no way I can put that into the washing machine without at least one person making a big deal about it.

Judging by my speed and lack of will, it'll take me approximately 2 day and 1 night to clean everything including myself. Should I just throw it away?

Yeah, throwing it away would be better. 'It's just one sweatshirt. I'll get my paycheck next month, I can just buy another one right?' I think to myself. Farewell my favourite limited edition BT21 sweatshirt. You'll be missed.

I put on the hoodie Mingyu tossed aside with some jeans and hurriedly head downstairs. Three of me could fit inside this hoodie, and it's barely a crop top on him. Really weird.

I check on the wall clock while I'm climbing down the stairs. Well not exactly climbing down, running. I told Mingyu I'd be at the bus stop in 10 minutes. Guess what? It's past 45 minutes now. I'm dead.

My rushed footsteps get impeded by Joshua's voice calling for my name. I avert my attention towards him, he is sitting on the couch and watching friends. Not Joshua again.

"Where are you going in such hurry Yeonnie?" He asks. I gulp down the lump in my throat and scratch my head. This is the first time in history I'm getting chills all over my body by Joshua's presence around me.

"I'm going to the company!"

It's not good, I'm perfecting the art of lying my ass off way too much. They come out of my mouth so naturally now. Sigh, hello darkness my old friend.

"Do you have a shoot today?"

"Not a shoot, just a . . . seminar! Yes seminar." I laugh nervously, trying my best to shake the tension off of my shoulder. He narrows his eyes at me, "Really?"

"Yes, really. I'm running late Josh, can I go now?"

"Yeah sure. Be safe kid, be back before 8pm. The curfew is still there. You broke it once but it's not gonna happen again. Okay?" He says. I nod aggressively in respone. 

I exit the house with much awkwardness. On my way towards my destination, I recall and think how Joshua eyed me for a second. It felt like he was suspicious of my actions.


I see Mingyu sitting under the bus shelter with a bunch of people from afar. He's just playing with his fingers, but he is still standing out. Way too much.

Reason number one, the black bucket hat and the black mask he's wearing. It's making him look like he's some kind of celebrity or some wanted criminal who escaped jail. I personally prefer the criminal one.

Number two, he's a little too much tall. A giant.

Number three, the hat and the mask is unable to hide his superior visuals. I saw that one coming. Literally anyone can tell there's an astonishingly good looking man hiding behind those props.

Number four, the people around him are all girls wearing high school uniforms who most definitely fall below his shoulder.


I know he caught glimpse of me staring at him, because now he is moderately shooting me death glares and something in the way he stood up and crossed his arms over his chest is telling me he's not very happy about the fact that I kept him waiting for so long.

Truly Yours • Kim Mingyu Where stories live. Discover now