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  "I'll fall towards you endlessly;
Someday you'll surely be in my heart."


Jeonghan's POV:

I see them smiling at each other, standing side by side. What surprises me is that, they're standing at the edge of the cliff and they're waving at me; as if they're inviting me to join them. I can't see their faces clearly because it's dark. I turn on the flashlight of my phone and slowly walk towards them.

But before I do anything, they promptly jump off the cliff.

I flinch.

I don't know what happens to me. I can't control my body. It's acting on it's own. Unhesitantly, I take a step forward.With every step, I'm getting closer to the gateway of death.

I'm aware of it but I don't stop. I want to see my sister again and I know this is the only way left for me to do that.

I take my one last step forward.
I look down and up at the sky.

Then I jump.

"Jeonghan? Hey wake up." Someone nudges my right shoulder. My body quickly responds and I open my eyes instantly. I glance around my surroundings.

It was a dream.

Sighing, I lift my head off the sofa. There's a half eaten kimbap in my hand and I have no clue where that came from. My best friend chuckles at me, "You fell asleep while eating. How stupid are you?" I roll my eyes, taking a small bite from the kimbap. "Shut up Joshua. I'm tired okay?" I say in clarification while chewing my food.

I don't know if it's my mouth or my taste bud's fault, but this kimbap tastes like shit. Did the cook touch shit and forgot to wash his hands before making this? If so, then I've high chances of getting diarrhoea.

I look back into my memories and I recollect something seemingly crucial. I brought these kimbaps from home. I'm the one who made them last night.

I'm the freaking cook.

I mean we do have a dog with us, but I clearly remember it was Vernon's duty to clean Brownie's shit yesterday.

No diarrhoea thank god.

Don't blame me for that name by the way. The owner is a food enthusiast.

Whatever. The kimbaps taste horrible, so I'm throwing them in the dustbin beside me. Then again, why would someone set a sofa near the dustbin? No wonder this room smells like shit too.

Wait, do I smell? I hope not.


I'm sitting on the bare ground with a book in my hand. I'm not reading it though. The book has too many letters in it and it's gonna make me dizzy if I actually start reading it. So I'm holding it just for show.

Suddenly, out of nowhere Joshua throws a jug of water at my face. Luckily, not the entire jug. Just the water inside it. "What the fuck Jisoo?" I growl, sneezing loudly.

I question myself if he's on drugs

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I question myself if he's on drugs.
Answer? Nobody knows.

"Don't you dare curse you ugly cow." Oh please. You're the ugly cow who just threw water at my face for literally no reason. And why did he call cows ugly? They're damn cute. Fight me bitch!

"I poured way too much water and I realized that I can't finish it before we leave for practice. I didn't want to waste it by throwing it away and there's no plant here. So I threw it at your face because you were zoning out." He gives me a smug smile.

What a wonderful coherent explanation he just gave! Should I give him an award for that? Huh. As if I'm taking that crap for granted. He just wanted to annoy me, nothing else. As far as I know him, he'll never admit it.

"Besides, it was holy water. It'll clean your heart and wash your sins away. You should be grateful." He winks, enjoying the free ticket show which he just successfully orchestrated.

Nowdays, he's treating me like I'm some sort of guinea pig for his experiments, pranks and lame ideas. Not to mention, he's borrowing money from me quite frequently and I'm pretty sure he hasn't returned a single penny yet. Dude was so rich back then. How did he turn so poor?

I even caught him stealing KitKat from me 2 weeks ago. He's lucky that I'm not pressing charges against him for this mistreatment. What an amazing best friend he had made.

"You and I both know that it wasn't holy water. Wait, did you spit in it?" I could see about 50 shades of wrinkles on my forehead through the mirror infront of us when I asked that question. We're inside Pledis entertainment's dance studio.

Joshua contemplates for a moment, scratching his head. "I did take a few sips from it. My spit probably got mixed with the water." He shrugs, as if he doesn't give a shit about it. Well, I do give a shit about it. I treasure my face above everything.

"You mean I've your spit combined with water on my face? Really disgusting Jisoo eww eww." I snort, srunching my nose. He mockingly sticks his tounge out at me.

I'm thinking about importing patience directly from Mars because mother earth is probably tired from supplying me patience to deal with his abuses. It takes me everything to not to throw mud at his face right now.

I wipe my face with a clean and sanitized towel. That gross feeling of his spit being all over my face is still lingering but I can't do nothing about it. I'll just have to bear with it till it goes away. After cleaning up, I head towards Woozi's studio.

Being an idol is harder than I thought.

I grab the mic and practice the track which Woozi had written for me. I finish it with a high note and put down the mic. "Your singing is getting better day by day hyung." Woozi nods his head, complimenting.

"Aww thank you." I say, almost sounding like a squeal. He grins warmly and gets back to his work. I rest my head agianst the headboard of the sofa and grab my phone.

My happiness dissolves with bitterness when I look at my wallpaper.

It's been six years since you were gone.


I gladly present you "Truly yours", a sequal to Only for you • kim mingyu. After procrastinating for quite a long time, I'm finally publishing book 2 yayy. I'm so excited about this book aaAa.
This book is related to the first one in some aspects. The plot will be a bit different comparing to the first one. You'll get to know once you start reading. (I recommend reading book 1 before this for better grasp, tho it's trash xD).

Also I'm writing it in present tense so don't get confused yall. I realized that it's much easier when you write it in present tense so yeAh.

I hope you guys will support and like this book. Your appreciation means the world to me istg. There might be spelling and grammatical mistakes but please bear with it cz I lobeyall so so much UwU. Stay safe everyone. Enjoy!

Truly Yours • Kim Mingyu Where stories live. Discover now