
1.5K 83 15

Calum kicks the door open, things in hand as he walks in to the house him and Luke practically shared. "Luke, I'm home!" Calum yells, as Luke runs downstairs, engulfing his boyfriend in a hug and kissing his face repeatedly. "babe, I was so worried! Why didn't you answer your phone?" Luke rambles, Calum kissing him to shut him up.

"Shut up and kiss me." Calum mumbles against Luke's lips, shrugging his jacket off. Luke's arms grip Calum's thighs as he clings onto Luke's body, proceeding them to the couch. Luke lays the brown haired boy down, hovering over him and kissing his lips, his teeth dragging down to his jawline, kissing there, before trailing down towards his neck, leaving countless lovebites. Calum moans out, bucking his hips forward, sending friction between the two. Luke let's out a quiet grunt, kissing down the (now bare) boy's chest.


(a/n: no smut for you !! this is a malum fic actually, not cake so (; )

calum groans, his eyes opening then quickly shutting once he saw the lights shining through the curtains.

he hated mornings.

he turns around, facing luke as quiet snores left his lips, making him look amazing.

but the sad thing was, not as amazing as michael.

calum screams in realization that he has school. today. he needs to be on top of his game.

luke shoots up, rubbing his eyes, squinting at the light. "what?"

calum scrambles around, tugging his clothes on. "i need to go to school! i need to be more organized, for fuck sakes, it's senior year!" calum yells, frantically searching for his backpack before finding it and was about to leave, when he remembered he had a history paper due in block 7 today.

(a/n: not sure if it's bloc or block)

he quickly grabbed his MacBook, running out the door and to school, clutching his backpack to his side the entire time, leaving luke to just screw everything (including school) and go back to sleep.

calum had finally arrived at school, just as the warning bell rang. he walked to his locker, panting like a dog from his sprint to school. (on top of that, he had gym today too.)

he grabbed all his necessities, including his computer so he could write his essay on some thing about the evolution of men for his history paper.

he walked to first period, french.

calum was fairly good at french, (not science, though, if that's not stating the obvious) so he didn't really need to pay attention to understand the worksheets his teacher usually gave the class.

so he opened up his laptop, opening up the saved draft he'd started, (not remembering ever starting it, though.) only to see one word printed on the page. 'the'. (ah, that's why. he only wrote one fucking word.) calum sighed. he'd hoped he wrote more than that. way more.

he tapped his foot on the floor, typing away at his computer.

"there are several men who had evolved. neanderthal, homo-erectus, homo sapiens, homo sapiens sapiens, and many others."

(a/n: im too lazy to write them all + i can't even remember half of them)

calum decided to start his paper that way, smiling at his small accomplishment.

just when he finished, the period ended and calum was slightly questioning why Madame Goodman hadn't handed out any activities.

he just shrugged it off, walking to his next class.


he dreaded science so much. his teacher was a bitch, school was a bitch, and learning was a bitch.

but, calum had to put up with it anyway.

once the whole class was settled in, his science teacher had called him over.

"yes?" calum says, smiling falsely at her.

"you've been doing much better in science lately, i've noticed your percentages going up on your tests and exams. is michael doing a good job?" she asked, as if the answer wasn't already evident. she'd literally just said it.

"um, yeah..." calum says.

"good. i'll be continuing the tutoring until i see you get an A on one test." she smiles, shooing calum off.

calum rolls his eyes internally, going back to his seat.

"alright, class, today we're going to be learning about the formation of rocks." she clasps er hands together, smiling.

"can anyone tell me the three main types of rocks?"

calum had remembered michael teaching him this, so he raised his hand. (hesitantly, of course. he was always hesitant for some reason.)

"igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic..." calum says, unsure of himself.

"good job calum!" she smiles, nodding at him fondly.

"thanks." calum says, shrugging.



this was a filler

and probably short

i'm honestly too lazy to check

but im almost at 400 reads so thats pre cool yayayya

o and i forgot to say but thanks for 2K on black & white💖💖

(if you cant see the emojis they're just hearts)

and im almost at 2.50K now wtf is life !

tysm everyone ilya

and i love you even more if you even bother to read my authors notes lol.

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