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Calum was walking towards his locker, sighing because it was yet another day in this hellhole they call school.

He was walking towards his first class, when he bumped into someone. "Oh, sorry. I didn't meant to bump into you..." Calum sighs, picking up the books he'd made drop when running into the boy in front of him.

Calum looks at the boy, and was wondering why he was wearing sunglasses inside.

"Uh, here's your books." Calum extends his arm out, with the books in his hand.

The boy runs his hand across the air, as if trying to find where the books where, after lowering it a little bit, he feels the surface of his textbooks, using his other arm to grab them.

"Thanks." The boy mumbles, pulling out a small stick, which looked like a baton, flicking it, making it extend into a somewhat cane.

Calum decided not to question it, as he just simply turns around, taking another route towards his class.


He sat down, swinging his legs as the souls of his shoes scuff the floor.

Calum always tends to do this before exams, one in which he had today.

It was a science exam, a subject which Calum never got A's, or B's in. He's always gets C+'s, C's, or even a C-.

He bit at his nails nervously, swinging his feet, every time they continue to scuff the floor beneath him.

One of the students begins to get quite impatient with the noise and turns around, furrowing his eyebrows at Calum.

"Hey, can you shut up? Some people are trying to study." He glares at the brown haired boy, turning back around and flipping through the pages in his textbook.

Calum decided he should study too, so he reaches in his bag to take his textbook out, but is stopped by his teacher walking in the room.

He sighs, zipping his bag back up, after taking out a pen and some paper.

"Alright, today you'll be doing your first science exam of this school year. You'll be having another one in March, just before term two ends." Mrs. Colton says, putting her glasses on.

"I expect no talking, just the sounds of your pens on this paper, alright?" She says, holding up the package, Calum estimated as 4-5 pages.

"You have until next period. Exactly fourty-five minutes. Begin." She finishes, after handing out all the pages to the class.


Michael, on the other hand, was carefree. He got straight A's, which was surprising since he was blind. He learns by braille, instead of actually reading things.

He can read computer screens by braille, and text on his phone by braille. He started to learn braille when he was around 4-5 years old. It took quite a bit of time, but he eventually memorized it.

If you actually pay attention, braille is everywhere. From pieces of paper to elevator buttons.

Michael doesn't enjoy being blind, of course, but it's actually quite amusing. Sometimes he wishes he could see people's reactions when he tells them he's blind, but it wouldn't matter anyway because if he wasn't, he wouldn't be saying that to anyone.

But he finds it fun to just hear things. He finds it quite relaxing when he wakes up in the morning and hears the birds chirping, and not physically seeing them.

Michael doesn't wish he could go back and change the way he is. He doesn't take being blind as a curse. He's just happy he has a pair of legs and arms, and is physically capable of doing almost anything a regular person can do.

Not that Michael isn't regular, of course.

He sat at the back of the class, waiting for his teacher to come in.

Finally, after what seemed like forever, he finally heard the door shut and a ruffling of paper.

"Okay, class, i decided to postpone your exam until friday, the last day of school before winter break. Yes, i know you guys wanna have fun on the last day of school, but it is school of course."

He heard the class groan, as he just sat in his seat with his arms crossed and legs spread.


He felt the teachers presence near him, and felt a small gust of wind, and the sounds of a paper being placed onto his desk.

He sighed, sitting up straight and feeling around for his pencil, taking it between his fingers and using his other hand running his fingers over the small bumps on his paper, (known as braille) spelling out the two words.

Math Revision

He sighed, continuing to word out the paper, answering the few questions that were on it.

Once the class was finished, he got up, grabbed his cane that was leaning on the side of his desk, slung his backpack over his shoulder and walked out the door.


Holy shit michael is hot as FUCK man

Anyway i tried to make this chapter long !!

This book only has four reads but im gonna continue it cause im really excited for this!!

Idk if it's just me but i find malum really under appreciated so i made a malum book !!

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