"Rain. Yeah, but I like rain. Just trust me." He looked at me and his eye softened when they met mine. 

"Fine." I drew it out as I got comfortable on the grass once more. 

We waited until the dark clouds were now above us. Lighting hit the lake resulting in booming thunder around us. 

"Draco, it's going to-"

"Just wait." 

So we waited a bit longer until I felt the first drop of rain on my nose. The cold water starting pouring down all over quicker than expected. I looked over to Draco who was looking up to the dark sky as rain cascaded down. 

The heavy rain soaked me to the bone and the same with Draco. He stood up and held out his hand to me. "Care to dance?"

I felt a surge of happiness as I placed my hand in his letting him heave me up off the ground. We got into the formal position. One hand in his and the other over his shoulder. His hand in mine and the other on my waist. 

Flashbacks from the Yule Ball engulfed my head once again. It was exactly like that except without the music and the ball gowns and suits. 

The formality faded after he spun me around. We collided with each other when he pulled me back in almost making us lose balanced. I laughed and I heard Draco let out a short one. I can't remember a time when I've heard him laugh. Like actually laugh. Not a snicker. 

We started to dance without any pattern, our hands were still locked together. We jumped into puddles, laid on the grass staring up at the pouring clouds, danced. 

My hand around his tightened and he looked down at them then at me in confusion. 

"We should probably go back. It's late." I laughed. As much as I didn't want the moment to end, I knew that we would get into an enormous amount of trouble. Plus I had DA practice and I was pretty sure I was already late. Damn, I was late. 

"Ok," He said. I burst into a run pulling Draco along. It was amazing. We ran through the huge grassy field up to the hill. The wind pressed against us harshly but we kept going like we were running from a murderer. 

We reached the top of the hill and slowed our pace. "We need to split up so it doesn't look suspicious." He spoke through heavy breaths. 

"Yeah," I responded.

"You go in this way, I'll go in another way." He offered and I accepted. Our hands parted and I walked up to the entrance. I looked down at my clothes. They were a mess. I was a mess. But all that aside I was finally happy. That was the best time I'd had in ages. 

I slipped inside the castle letting my bones soak up the warmth. No one was in the hallway thankfully so it made it easy to make my way to the room of requirement. When I reached it I looked left and right to make sure no one was coming before letting the door form and open. I walked in to see everyone already in there. 

Luna had just shot off her first Patronus earning her some applause. I walked over to the Weasley's who burst out laughing at the sight of me. 

"What's so funny?" I crossed my arms over the soaking sweater.

"You look like you got hit by a bus," Fred said through his fits of laughter.

"Yeah, Y/N. What happened?" George said patting Fred on the back. 

"Just went on a little walk outside." I lied. I played it off really well, however. "Didn't know it would start pouring."

My gaze shifted as I saw Ron produce his Patronus which was a Jack Russell Terrier. The dog headed straight towards Neville knocking him off his feet. I snickered a laugh loud enough for Ron to hear. He looked me dead in the eye and his dog came sprinting towards me.

"Blimey-" Next thing I know I'm against the cold metal floor with Fred and George lifting me up. They set me back down and me and Ron made faces at each other until everyone went silent. The room shudders a little with a light thud. 

We all looked around in confusion. Everyone gathered the middle of the room to look at where the noise was coming from. The entrance. The soft lighting in the room was flickering on and off with every sharp blow.

Another large thud and the glass shattered loudly. I stood in between Fred and George who raised their wands at the sight. Harry and a kid named Collin, I believe, walked forward. 

I heard voices outside but couldn't tell whos it was. Harry and Collin pulled away right as the wall exploded and crumbled to pieces. Who would've guessed? Umbridge and a bunch of Slytherin's were standing in front of us.

"I bet it was Y/N who gave us away," Megan said to her friends. I looked behind me to see them.

"Was not," I said sharply. I turned my gaze forward and two people who weren't there before had arrived. Cho and Draco Malfoy. 

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