Coming closer, Oma discovered the argument was because of the seats.
"Oma. Come here." Nathi called when she saw her. "These idiots are trying to claim our seats!"
Now, eyes were on her as well.

She quickly moved to Nathi's ear and whispered. "Let's just move to the back. There are extra seats there."

"What? No! I got here before them and I have the freaking right to reserve seats for whosoever I desire." She said aloud.

"I came here before the person you reserved the seats for so I have the right to sit here. If we all reserved seats, you'd have no place to sit yourself." The girl who wanted the seats countered.

"Will you shut up?" Nathi spat with a thick accent, making the girl shudder momentarily. "There are seats at the back of you want to reserve them. I see people reserve seats all the time and I don't complain, so hastily move your flat ass out of here."

"Let's just go to the back. We don't need this before exams." Oma whispered into Nathi's ear again. She was shaking, she hated confrontations. She didn't even like the front seats anyway, she preferred the back way better.

"Stop ruining everything, Oma. This is why people trample you over all the time. The only thing that'll stop three of us from sitting on these seats is if the world ends now. As that's not going to happen, this shapeless thing is getting out." She said, eyeing the girl who was still sitting in the middle of the three seats Nathi had reserved, although looking uncomfortable.

"You cannot do more than a dead rat!" She quipped, desperate to seem unafraid.

With strength Oma had never seen her display before, Nathi picked the girl easily, and dragged her out of the row entirely and threw her bag after her. She sat with her legs spread on the three seats and dared the girl to come back. Embarrassed, she left after calling Nathi a mad woman.

"It's always girls causing drama in this  class, fighting over rubbish. Mad people." A boy muttered two rows ahead of them.

Nathi stood up, walked up to his seat, found him and smashed his head on the desk before making her way back. Oma was sure she'd broken his nose. He didn't try to fight back.

"Sit down." Nathi commanded and Oma who'd forgotten she was standing hurriedly sat down. This girl is scary, she thought.

People sniggered around, but no one dared talk to her, or even speak out loud enough for her to hear.

"Why are you shaking?"
Obi asked and Oma jumped, wondering when he'd gotten there. 

"I just finished fighting for our seats. You're welcome." Nathi smiled and moved Oma's legs so he could sit at the middle beside her. He remained standing.

"I wasn't asking you." He said sharply.
"You're not shaking." He sat down at the edge instead, beside Oma. She blushed.

"Your girlfriend is mad!"
The boy who's nose Nathi had gashed yelled to Obi.

Nathi's act of bravery ended up being  useless in the end. Three of them were rearranged and coincidentally, Nathi ended up sitting at the back right next to the girl she'd chased away.

Oma was placed in front, two rows away from Obi. The boy beside her kept advising her to stay away from Nathi because she was bad influence, but still somehow managed to end his speech by asking her for Nathi's number.
When she refused, he asked for hers instead. She rolled her eyes and ignored him for the rest of the day.

Although they'd been rearranged, the question papers were yet to be shared and the invigilator had disappeared. People revised with their new partners, while some laid down their heads. She joined them and laid hers down.

Too Good to Be RealМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя