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'What's his name?' I ask Charlie, slowly petting his dog's fur.
'St Cloud.' He replies, pouring some coffee into a mug.
'That's an incredibly odd name choice for a dog.' I say, smirking.
'From the movie, you know, Charlie St Cloud? With Zac Efron?' He says, raising his eyebrows.
I give him a blank look.
'What? You must be the only girl in the world who has never heard of Zac Efron.' He says, setting the hot mug onto the coffee table.
'I told you my story, I didn't really get out much.' I say, looking down at the cute chihuahua.
'Yeah, sorry, that was a bit insensitive.' He says, going pink.
'No, no, I didn't mean it that way, it's totally fine, don't worry about it.' I say. He smiles and turns on the TV. It's on the news channel.
'Coming up, multimillion and multinational science company DANSA's first robot creation transferring into a human. DANSA representatives' thoughts on that matter.' The news anchor said. Did I just hear that correctly? DANSA is looking for me. After years of being treated like nothing but scraps of metal to them, finally finding my freedom, my joy and my life, they've decided to come back for me. Why? Why can't they just rely on their other inventions that aren't interrupted? Why can't they leave me be and treat the other robots as they were meant to be treated- biological weapons. Why do they need me? I ran my fingers through my hair and kept quiet, waiting for the tacky advertisements and commercials to end.
'Wow, a robot? That sounds... interesting.' He says.
'More interesting than you'd think.' I mumble under my breath, hoping he wouldn't hear.
'Did you say something?' He asks, forcing his eyes away from the TV screen so that they'd focus on me.
'No, no.' I shake my head, hoping he'd get the message. He looks as if he's about to say something when the news channel's theme music comes back on.
'So here we have Dennis McLee and Cynthia DeLawrence, two representatives of the famous science company DANSA that specialises in biological weapons, and they are here to explain to us what has happened to one of the robots, who managed to escape the headquarters.' Says the news anchor, turning to look at Cynthia and Dennis.

I remember those two extremely well. Cynthia was horrible to me. Well, to everything that was alive but not human. That's how all of the workers treated us non-humans. Cynthia was my supervisor and she was awful. She used to give me dirty looks and have someone shock me with an electric taser when I would 'play up' and wasn't able to do what was expected. Truth is I'd just had some technical difficulties and the taser made it even worse. Dennis, on the other hand, was different. He was kind and gentle and my other supervisor. When he would feed me my serums he would slowly inject them into my arm, rather than just stab me like Cynthia did. He had a soft heart, which really made me wonder how he could be a part of such an evil organisation.
'So, what do you think will be the outcome, is this really a big issue that should be solved, or is the robot basically harmless?' Asks the news anchor. Dennis looks like he wants to say something but Cynthia quickly takes the spot.
'This robot, is a model, merely a prototype, we believe that this is an 'interrupted e-bot' and that means that the robot is starting to feel human emotions.' She says.
'OK, so, most of us know DANSA as a biological weapons company and we understand this this robot was created in the biological weapons department, any thoughts on why this was that you would like to share with us?' The news anchor says. Dennis opens his mouth, but Cynthia again interrupts him with an interesting response,'No comment.'
'Ok, what are you planning to do to find this robot, this seems like a really dangerous issue, that could possibly involve violence.' The news anchor says again.
'No comment.' Cynthia says again.
'Ok, well is there anything more you would like to share with us based on this topic?' The news anchor asks.
This time, Cynthia opens her mouth but Dennis speaks.
'Yes , there is. This is a public address to the world.' He says. 'You are all in danger. DANSA are not who they say they are, they are creating billions more robots who are scientifically engineered to become biological killing machines.' He says, his arms shaking.
'This organisation wants power and when the final robot is made, they will have it. Robots who are interrupted are the only ones who could save you. For they have emotions as us, they can feel how petrified most of us will feel right now and they have mercy. But they have all the abilities to protect you from them, they are coming for all of us-' Suddenly some people drag him away and screaming is heard. The screen goes black and a gunshot is heard. They want us. They want me. They just killed Dennis for warning us. They are going to try and kill me too.

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