You can do it Lilah

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As I walked up to the school's entrance doors, Charlie by my side, nerves started to sweep inside of me. School? Possibly the worst place to go to considering I'm not human. And I'll be in a place full of human. Teenagers. I take a deep breath and push the doors open.
'I've got to go to first period, you'll be able to find the office on your own, right?' Charlie says.
I nod my head. He smiles then walks off. Trying to fit in with the new clothes that Charlie bought me I walk down the hall. I tried to make myself as pretty as I could, I activated wash mode which was a button on the back of my neck hidden by my long, black hair. Everybody stops and stares at me. Some of the boys wolf whistle at me, I already know to stay away from people like that. I reach the school office and knock on the door.
'Come in!' I hear a voice say.
I open the door and try to smile a genuine smile.
'Hi, I'm Delilah. New student.' I say.
The lady sitting behind the desk doesn't budge. All that's moving is her fingers as they move from button to button on the keyboard. I take this time to analyse her appearance. She was wearing a beige skirt, with a pink jumper. Her hair was up in a bun and she was wearing black grandma shoes.
'What's your surname?' She asks.
I hadn't thought of that. She won't be able to find me on the system.
'Never mind I found you. Not a lot of Delilahs at this school. You're the first.' She says, in a monotone. I keep in the sigh of relief that I was just dying to let out.
'Your surname needs to be registered, do you mind giving it now?'
I thought about this hard and long.
'My surname is Thomas.' I say, with sudden ease. The lady types something on the keyboard then a piece of paper comes out of the printer. She takes a sip of water then seats back. I take the piece of paper and see that it's my schedule. Maths first, room 234. I find the room quickly and all eyes come upon me. Charlie isn't in this class.
'Hi, I'm a new student here.' I say.
'You must be Delilah, take a seat at the back of the class.' He says and goes back to teaching his lesson.
I sit down at the back and stay quiet, minding my own business.
'If an examination consists of three parts. In part A, a student must answer 2 of 3 questions. In part B, a student must answer 6 of 8 questions and in part C, a student must answer all questions. How many choices of questions does the student have? The answer would be 83 because-'
I stopped him right there.
'Actually sir, the answer is 84.' I say. Everybody in the class turns their head to look at me.
'Excuse me?' He asked, looking a little taken aback.
'It's because 3C2 * 8C6 * 1 = 84 it's the use of fundamental theorem of counting.' I say.
He turns the page in his book and nods his head slowly.
'Well done Miss Thomas, but I'd appreciate if you would not make a fool of me in my own class.' He says, jokingly and some of the kids laugh.
Soon the bell rang and I walked out to my next classroom when I bumped into somebody.
'Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry.' She says.
'It's fine.' I reply.
'I'm Kaitlyn.' She says, offering a hand.
'Delilah.' I say, taking her hand and shaking it.
'It's nice to meet you, I'm a bit of a klutz, I'm really sorry.' She says again.
'Don't worry about it.' I say.
'What's your next class?' She asks.
'Um, science, room 269.' I say.
'No way, that's my next class too, let's go.' She says and grabs hold of my hand.
Kaitlyn seems like a very nice girl. We got to talking and she told me loads about herself. She told me about her parents getting a divorce, about her delinquent younger brother and promiscuous older sister and how she moved in with her aunt, uncle and cousins and lived a better life there. I never realised that not all families were perfect or happy. I thought it was always like that, right? But Kaitlyn seemed happy and she was a really nice person to hang out with. I've made another achievement: I made a friend.

DelilahTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon