Who's gonna help you now Lilah?

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I froze. I couldn't move. I had just lost everything right before me. My friends, a home, Charlie...I had lost all of this because of Victoria, who couldn't stand for somebody to be left in the spotlight. What was I going to do now? It's 2098 and the biggest science corporation is out looking for me and planning to destroy my body and use the rest of me for some sort of strange, robot contraption. Nobody should have to go through something like this, so why do I? What's the point of even trying if I'm just going to die out here on my own? After Victororia revealed my secret, I ran out of the room and here I am, surprisingly cold for something made out of metal. Where could I go? I had no where, no-one and I was on my own, again. Lilah, what are you doing? It doesn't have to be this way.' I stopped walking and turned around to face the person who was speaking, but oddly enough, no-one was there. Lilah, we are just like you, you are not alone. I turned around once more, feeling like the voice was coming from my head but deep down I knew it wasn't a reasonable theory.

'Curious little cat, aren't you?' 

I gasp and turn around again to find a girl, with blonde long hair and red dip-dyed ends. She was wearing a white jumpsuit with black circling the edges.

'You scared me, I-I though that-' 

'You thought that the voice was coming from your head, I know.' She says, as her brown eyes turn a deep blood red.

I gasp again and stumble backwards, only to bump into something else. I turn around yet again to find a handsome guy, with ice blue eyes and dark brown hair; he's wearing the same uniform as the girl.

 'Come on Mara, we were sent here to collect her not frighten her. You know what'll happen if we don't do as he asks.

'W-who, a-a-are you?' I stutter, trying to musk up enough courage.

'Whoever you are, I-I won't go with you.' I say.

'Listen, you are coming with us, whether you like it or not.' Mara says, grabbing my wrist and digging her nails into my skin.

I look back at the boy, but it seems like he's as frustrated with me as I am with myself for letting these strange creatures take me. They drag me into a huge aircraft-type thing which I think is called a Zyclar. Whatever it is called, I knew it wasn't here before.

They strap me in securely and then the Zyclar takes off.

'Where are you taking me? Who are you? And where are you taking me?' I ask repeatedly.

'Shut up.' Says Mara absent-mindedly, not taking her eyes off the controls. The boy gives her a glare then sighs impatiently.

'We're going back home, your new home, where you really belong.' He says.

'And where would that be?' I ask, not bothering to drop the attitude in my tone.

The boy gives a smirk which is refelected in the rearview mirror above him.


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