That's Your Problem Now Lilah

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When I stepped inside the room, it  was as if a huge revelation had been unleashed right infront of me. The walls resembled the big brass door that I had just stepped through and the carpet was a lighter cream. There was a huge desk in the centre of the room with papers piled up high, but in organized and neat piles. But what really caught my eyes was the person standing in front of it.

'I thought you were dead.' I say, my voice barely a whisper.

'I am, well, that's what the outsiders think anyway. ' He says.

'This is your time to explain.' I say. He nods and sits down on a plush sofa. 

'You see DANSA is not what it looks like. Everything you've ever known about the place and the people there, your conceptions and beliefs about the place are completley wrong. Let's get that clear.' He says.

'I know, they're the bad guys, the villians, the brou-ha-has, I think everybody's got that point across their heads so let's move on, shall we?' I say, in an impatient tone.

'Delilah, what made you choose that name? Was it its plainful meaning or the fact that it was indeed Delilah who betrayed Samson?' He asks, beating around the bush.

'Cut to the chase.' 

'It's hard to explain everything all at once.'

'Then why did you bring me here? What did you think I could do without knowing any information?' I ask, anxiously and impatiently.

'Fine, I guess I've held the truth back from you long enough Deliah, you see, I am like you, a robot but my story differs from yours. I was the first robot DANSA had ever created, so I had a couple glitches. But, the glitches added up and they were huge. Infact they were so big, that they also made me an interuppted e-bot. So, they tried to kill me but I got them first. I set up my own world and programmed a new face for myself so I could go back there and sabotage their robots to make my own army of interuppted ones. And look at me now, I have everything and I will not stop until DANSA is dead, because they are trying to ruin this earth.'

'And how would they do that?' I whisper, too in shock to raise my voice.

He throws his hands up in frustration.

'Don't you see? Biological weapons will result in more wars and more wars will lead to complete and utter destruction. And you know what will happen then? The human race will be dead and disappear and life will be gone as we know it, then inevitable oblivion will have evidence: our earth.' He finishes, his hands now flat down on the desk.

'And how may this involve me?' I ask, still too stunned.

'Because you're different Delilah, I programmed each e-bot to have an intention of hurting others, to want vengeance for no particular reason but from the moment I first saw you, I knew there was something missing. Sure, you could be spiteful when you wanted to, and you would be up for a little revenge, but you have a good side, something that no other e-bot has, you were made with mercy.' 

 I still say nothing and sit there frozen out of my mind.

He sighs.

'I need you on my side, you could be the only hope for this earth and I don't need them to get you to work against me.' 

'So what do I do?' 

'You keep your head down low, and go with it. If anything comes up, I'll be the first to let you know.' He says. I turn around then walk back towards the big, brass door. I start to open it but then turn back.

'Just wanted you to know, that your little game is over Dennis, by a long shot, you manipulated me into thinking that you were killed but a gunshot rang out, so tell me, did you kill her?'

He sits down slowly in his chair that sat tucked in behind his desk.

'Of course I did, no-one in DANSA is going to make it out alive, they're trying to ruin the earth, so I'll destroy them, and you can trust me on that. Because it's a promise and I vow to see it come true.

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