For your own good Lilah

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Hey guys. This is my first chapter in a very long time so I hope you enjoy it. I actually stopped writing cos' I thought you guys didn't like it. Shout out to jellybean781 for giving me my very first comment! Without you I would have deleted this book completley.

My vision is blank. All I see is white and it's...blurred. My eyelids are heavy and as far as I'm concerned so is the rest of my metallic body.
'Good, you're awake.'
As soon as that throaty voice reached my ears, my vision went back to normal. Better than normal even, everything was in high definition. Completely clear. I look up at the person who is speaking to me. I've never seen him around before. Definitely not. It's a robot skeleton. There's no skin on it and it seems incredibly disturbing.
'W-who are you?' I stutter, trying to get up on my hands.
He pushes me back and makes a ' tut, tut, tut' noise with his mouth.
'Oh no you don't honey. There's a riot out there, if someone sees you they're probably going to rip your metal parts apart.'
My head is spinning and I'm so confused, why would anyone try to hurt me? It seems as if he can read my mind too because then he says, ' It's for your own good Lilah.'
I look towards the glass walls. It's true, there's people- robots more like- who are desperately trying to get into the room. They're screaming and shouting. They're so angry.
'What do they want with me? Why am I here, can you just tell me what's going on?' I scream.
The robot skeleton sighs and takes a seat on the bed. It's a very remarkable thing really, his eyes are little round balls, his body just a mass of metal but there's a beating heart in his chest and you can see it going baboom, baboom! I look back at him to enquire for more information but he's staring out the walls.
'What's your name?' I whisper. He turns back to look at me and smiles a sad, genuine smile.
'I don't have one.' He whispers back. I sigh, feeling extremely exasperated. Why was I feeling that way?
I sit back and stare at my new friend. It feels like an eternity before I finally muster up enough courage to ask him a question.
'Can you explain to me what happened?' I ask, still feeling unsure of myself.
The robot sighs and slumps back down his chair.
'It's complicated...and I'm not exactly allowed to tell you.' He says.
A small grin started to twitch in the side of his mouth.
'Because.' He simply says.
I don't dare argue back, I know that's the only thing closest to an answer that he'll give me. I look back at the mob that has now grown into hundreds of thousands. They all look desperate for...anger. They don't want it, they need it. I look back at the robot skeleton, he's looking at them too but he's completely distraught. He doesn't even move when sudden gunshots from nowhere come out and start shooting the mob, I gasp because who wouldn't? But he doesn't. I guess he's not an interrupted e-bot like me. No, you can see the heart he has but it's not real. It doesn't have quality. It's just there for show.

'I don't know why you don't like me.'
There's a voice speaking right beside my ear. I can feel his warm breath tickling me.
'I'm the only one who came to visit you.'
I want to look up too see who it is, but this person thinks I'm not awake and he'll probably give me more information that way.
'I wish you could come with me, and I wish we could be together but I fear our love is lost if not love at all...'
I hear him violently unplug something and I feel all the energy sucked out of me. My head is numb, my body is shaking and my hands can't stay still but he still thinks I'm asleep. That can't possibly be it.
'I'm sorry I have to this Delilah.' his voice sounds sorrowful, almost completely genuine; almost.
Suddenly, I feel two extremely sharp needles plunge down into my neck. It takes all my willpower not to scream. But even as a robot it gets difficult. He twists the needles around and then sticks them deeper in. I can feel two salty tears drip down my cheeks and I don't even want to be alive anymore. I can feel him looking closer at me, he must have noticed the tears.
'So you are turning human, Lilah. Trust me though, not for long. I'll make sure of it.'
And with that I hear footsteps walk away. I open one eye to make sure he's gone before daring to rip the needles out of my neck. I wince as they slide out and a thick red liquid oozes out, but I know it's not blood. I just don't know what it is.
I look around the room, the robot skeleton is nowhere to be seen but masses of bodies outside are. I slowly stand up and walk towards it, scouting everything in my path. They all look different, but I'll never know who they were, why they were killed and why they wanted me.
But one thing really makes me gasp. One of the bodies is stuck to the transparent glass wall, hands flat on it, eyes wide open. There's blood circling her mouth and falling through her teeth. It seems like a weird thing to do at first, but then I slowly raise my hand up and put it flat out against the wall, where hers would be on the other side. But then I start to think I'm hallucinating, because her eyes blink.

That's when I wake up.
I'm in the same room, but robot skeleton is sound asleep by my side. There's no dead bodies, no carcasses and no dead robot who is actually alive. It must have all been a dream. I must be going crazy, who has these kind of dreams? I move and suddenly wince. I feel if someone string a collar on my neck and fastened it as tight as they could. I look over a at the mirror that's standing my bed. Two red marks on both sides of my neck. Where the needles would have been.
Now I know I'm not the crazy one.

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