It's All Over Now Lilah

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I couldn't believe what they were telling me.

'Dennis is dead! Dennis is gone! It's all over!'

No Dennis, no rebellion, no war. DANSA won.

But I've still got so many questions left. Questions that don't make any sense.

Who killed him? What happened the day I was attacked? Is it seriously all over?

'Well,' Trance said, ' you either have a choice. Stay in Zatinum or go back to New York.'

I rolled my eyes at him.

'If I didn't know any better, I'd think that you were trying to get rid of me.' I say, walking towards him.

'What? That's ridiculous!' He said in a sarcastic tone.

'You know for a robot, you're oddly sarcastic.'

'You know what? I get that a lot. Must be cos' I'm interrupted.' He said matter-of-factly.

I laughed for the first time since I'd been brought here. I walked over to the skyscraper and looked out of the window. Destruction. Utter destruction was all I could see. No, I don't know what happened to Dennis, but I know that he isn't dead. And that he can't possibly leave it alone thinking that DANSA won. I looked back at Trance who was packing random stuff into a backpack.

'What about you?' I asked him.

He turned to face me and stopped his odd packing.

'It's over, right? So what about you? What are you gonna do? Where are you going to go?'

'Cool it with the questions, didn't realise this was an interrogation.' He said, walking over to the skyscraper. Looking out over the sunset.

'Look at it. It's making me feel some sort of way.' He said.

I snorted, amused at his little comment.

'How is it making you feel?'

He sighs and looks around the room before looking back out of the skyscraper.

'We're in this building alone Delilah, we're in the whole of Zatinum deserted. It's only us two. We're the only two people in the world who are watching this from here. It makes me happy Lilah. But I can't stay here.'

My heart dropped to the bottom of my stomach.

'I'm not going to stay here. It's broken. I'm going to go somewhere I can just be me.'
He looked at the sunset then at me. He walked over to where he set his backpack and picked it up.

'Goodbye Lilah.' I heard him say.

'Wait,' I say, 'What if I can't find you?'

He smiles a little to himself.

'Trust me, I don't think you'll want to.'

'But I don't want to be alone either. And I don't know how to fly one of those space machines thingamabobs.' I say. He laughs at that. He holds out his hand and I take.

'We'll go. Together.' He says.

I look back at the skyscraper one last time before walking out of the room with Trance. It's all over Lilah. It's all over.

The end.

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