Mo' guys, Mo' Problems, Lilah

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I stood on the edge of the  rooftoop overlooking the emerald, green grass covering the bare ground and the Willow trees that slouch over the plants. I forced my eyes to look harder and to see the invisible wall separating this part of the world from the other. The other has tall, broken buildings that  you can tell used to beautiful and leave people in wonder and amazement but are now just a glimpse of the past.

'You're not supposed to be up here, you know.' 

A voice, seeming to appear from nowhere, startles me so much that it causes me to fall and to tumble down my to my death but not before two strong hands carry me up.

'Didn't mean to startle you there.' He says, but I don't reply. For a moment we're stuck like this, looking into each other's eyes, me staring into a pair of enchanting grey ones.

He finally sets me down and that ruins our trance.

'What's your name?' He whispers.

'Delilah.' I say, my voice as equally low.

'What's yours?' 

He hesitates for a second,  probably realising how inappropriate our closeness is.

'Trance, my name is Trance.'

I don't understand what starts to happen, but the air goes frigid and my knees start to buckle, my vision goes black and last I remember is Trance picking me up.

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