We've reached Lilah

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I woke up with a jolt just as the Zyclar landed. I'd been sleep- I meant, resting for around two hours, that's quite quick for travelling to the other side of the earth.

'We're here.' Mara says, her hair now in a long ponytail.

'I noticed.' I say in a sarcastic tone.

She turns around and shoots me a quick glare before turning to the boy, his name still unknown to me.

'What's your name?' I ask him, ruining their conversation, Mara turns around to give me the evil eye, then raises her hands up in frustration and makes a frustrated sound before turning back around to the controls.

The boy sighs and finally gives an answer.

'Laurent, my name is Laurent. And that there,' he says, pointing to Mara,' is Wilma.' She shoots him an evil glare and I give him a confused one. He seems to pick up on this so he says,' She hates her first name so she goes by her second.'

'Can I ask you a question?' I ask.

'Apart from the millions of others, you've already asked? Shoot.' Mara says sarcastically, still fiddling with the controls but I take her word for it.

'Can you guys communicate telepathically?' I ask, aware of how stupid my question asks, they look at each other yet again and Laurent answers.

'Yes, but, someone else will explain that to you.'

'Speaking of, we need to go, so get out.' She snaps.

I remove my unnecessary amount of straps and stand up to follow them. Mara presses a code into a keypad and a large door gradually slides up.

We walk into a large open area, where I see a huge white building in the centre of neatly manicured gardens and trees. There are several training centres and a small cafeteria lays in the corner. I follow them inside, walking into the beautiful marbled building, staring in marvel. They lead me up to a glass elevator and we wait for a while until it opens again. They turn into a private floor, one with dark walls and black carpet and turn the corner until we reach a brass.

'This is it. You're on your own now.' I hear Mara say from behind me.

'You can't possibly leave me on my own-' But I turn around to find them gone.

This is it Lilah, gosh, I don't even know what I am doing, I was just kidnapped! Whatever, it's time now, let's do this.

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