Go Lilah Go Lilah Go!

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Class went by fast and soon it was lunchtime. Kaitlyn invited me to have lunch with her group which I was happy to see consisted of Charlie.

'Hey Delilah.' He says, smiling.

'You two already know each other? Good, saves me the trouble of introducing one more person.' Says Kaitlyn.

'Guys listen up, this is Delilah Thomas and she is now our friend. Delilah, this is Tommy, Dove, Jackson, Tiana , Victoria and Caleb.' She says, introducing me to her other friends.

'Oh Delilah, I've heard about you. You're that girl who totally corrected Mr Torretson in maths class.' Says Jackson, cracking up.

'No way, everybody around the school's heard of you, you've earned yourself quite a reputation and it's only your first day.' Says Dove.

'I am?' I ask, a little unsure of what to say.

'Don't get ahead of yourself, sister, just because you hit up top it doesn't mean you won't hit rock bottom.' Says Victoria, looking down at her nails. What's her problem?

'Anyway..' starts Tiana,' You seem like a really smart person, I mean, that was a really hard question. How'd you work out the answer so quickly?' She asks.

'Oh,I, covered that in my homeschooling.' I lie, smooth Lilah, way to go. But they seemed convined as they just shrugged their shoulders and stared at their cafeteria food.

'So, when are our exams?' I ask, hoping to break the silence.

'Around May,you don't need to worry about it though, I'm sure you'll ace yours.' Says Caleb, smiling.

'Thanks.' Is all I could say.

'Aren't you going to get any food?' Asks Victoria, who seems quite keen on getting rid of me.

'No I'm not hungry, besides, the cafeteria food doesn't look at all appealing .' I say.

'Good choice.' Says Dove and they all push their cafeteria food to the middle of the table and then the bell rings.

'Well, it was nice meeting you Delilah, feel free to hang out with us anytime.' Says Dove, I open my mouth to respond but they're all gone. Wow, they are really serious about school here. So far, in my new life, I've made seven friends and possibly one enemy: Victoria.

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