25. Log Date. 7W013

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AN: Who predicted this? :3c

Peridot paced back and forth on the porch of the beach house. After Twoie had collapsed from his breakdown, the gems decided it was best to return to their home. She sighed as she looked at the primitive little tape recorder in her hand. Twoie had given it to her a little before they had gone to the moonbase. After a couple of moments of indecision, she pressed the record button.

"Log Date. 7 1 1 2. I can't believe the events that have taken place!" She quickened her pacing and anxiously moved her free hand around in the air. "Not only did I disobey orders and go against Yellow Diamond's wishes, thus becoming a traitorous clod, but the Twoie has also become stricken with what the Steven refers to as a 'fever.' Apparently, Steven and Twoie have never fallen susceptible to earthen sicknesses. As such, this situation is a cause for great concern." The green gem sighed and peered into the house via the window. She could see the gems pacing in the living room.

"Fevers are characterized by an increase in body temperature, chills, sweating, a feeling of coldness, coughs, sneezes, exhaustion, pain in the nose and throat, and a loss in appetite. It is a mixture of disgusting and horrifying." She returned to her pacing. "Why are humans so fragile? I don't like knowing that the Twoie is capable of experiencing such a phenomenon. Steven doesn't know much about it, and neither do the gems, but he assured me he knows someone who can help." She scanned the beach for the clunky van that she remembered seeing in the past.

"Steven called his father in the hopes that the adult human could care for Twoie. Even though humans are familiar with the treatment of 'fever,' I am concerned about the ability of such a primitive species in regards to adequately caring for my... friend." Peridot stared at the tape in disgust before she curled up outside the door and let out a frustrated scream. "I'm protecting a planet I was once trying to destroy! I used to follow every order. Every rule! Now I'm a traitor. A rebel! A Crystal Gem!" She slammed her fists against the wooden boards. "And one of the main reasons I betrayed my Diamond-. Why I betrayed Homeworld-! He is lying unconscious in a bed with a sickness that he shouldn't have been able to contract, and who knows how it's affecting him!"

She started giggling as she stared out into the sky. It was early morning, and the sun was still rising. Almost taunting her that she should be happy. But she couldn't. Not right now. Peridot jumped as the door opened up behind her. Her worries increased as she saw the state of the young kid who stepped out. Steven looked absolutely horrible. His hair was messy, his eyes were red, and there were dark bags underneath them.

He was having a hard time dealing with the knowledge that Twoie was still having deprecating thoughts and struggling with the gems. The boy sat down next to her and rested his head on her shoulder. "Peridot, am I a bad friend?"

She turned to him, wide-eyed at his question. "Why would you think that? You and Twoie are the reason I betrayed everything for the earth. You two showed me that there are things I've never considered. Things that are worth protecting."

Steven sniffled and clenched his eyes shut. "But I knew Twoie was struggling and I didn't do anything. I tried getting him to talk to me once, and I knew he wasn't okay, yet I never addressed it again. I didn't tell anyone either. What kind of brother does that?"

Peridot watched as a van careened onto the sand and headed their way. "I think it's okay to make mistakes." She stood up and helped Steven stand up as well. "I made a lot of mistakes before I decided to betray my Diamond and Homeworld. Twoie forgave me every time. He'll forgive you too." The newest member of the Crystal Gems gave him a sad smile. "Let's grab a notepad. I want to record the proper method of treating these 'fevers.'"

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