Chapter 12 Forever fall forest

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Team Watt head back to beacon and told their friend about their new team member Tao and told them that y/n was the leader of team Watt. Ruby and Yang we're proud of their little brother to be the team leader as Weiss apologizes about here sister. The tiny leader say it was alright till they all head back to their dorm as they get ready for bed.

Tao: So when will class start.

y/n: Oh where going on a filed trip tomorrow.

Tao: To where?

Dark: We're heading to Forever fall forest.

Spade: It a place where they have good syrup.

Tao: Oh right I heard of it but never have a change to go.

y/n: Well it will be the first time for us as well so let get some good rest so we can be ready for tomorrow.

Tao: Alright team leader.

y/n giggle as he know that he have to take responsibly for his team as a leader and their shield as y/n head is now flowing with some thought of hope that nothing will happen not only his team but his friend and family he could barely sleep at all  so he got out of bed then to the balcony outside their dorm as he needed some fresh air till he look right next to him to see his blond hair friend Jaune arc as he have something on is mind as well as little y/n wanted to go and check up on him as he use his sembalence to create a bridge to get toward Jaune to see if he was alright.

y/n: So you having a rough time too huh Jaune.

Jaune jump as he got scare for a bit as he start looking around to see little y/n right near him.

Jaune: Oh it just you y/n. you scare me.

y/n: You alright Jaune?

Jaune: y/n can I ask you a question. Am I a failure?

y/n started to laugh for a bit as thought it was just a joke but as he look at Jaune he wasn't joking at all as the tiny reader stop laughing to responded to his question.

y/n: I don't think your a failure Jaune.

Jaune: But I don't deserve to be here.

y/n: Jaune don't feel like that.

Jaune: But I'm not strong I'll only slow everyone down.

y/n: Jaune I know how it feels I don't even deserve to be here either and I think I'll slow everyone down as well, but it is a leader job to leader their team you have that responsibly to be their for them. I don't think Ozpin is that dumb of letting you in. The reason why your still here is because is that you survive all of the thing you been through you manage go get through it with out a problem and who knows maybe you even unlock your sembalence one day. 

???: I would have say the same thing.

The two of them look to see Pyrrha was lesson to everything that they where talking.

Jaune: P-Pyrrha! What are you doing up?!

Pyrrha: I was going to see if you where alright till I overheard your conversation and couldn't help but to lesson to it. Jaune your not a failure. Sure you maybe lacking in some skills but with a lot of training we can work thing out.

Jaune feels a little beater of knowing that he still have made good friend that will help him out of his problem as the reader yawn as he say good night to his friend then head back to his dorm and get back on his bed as he can't wait for tomorrow.

The next day

All of the student where standing outside at forever fall forest as Glynda explain our assignment.  

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