Chapter 10 New team member pt. 1

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Dark and y/n where on their way back to their dorm till they hear the intercom.

Glynda: Team Watt please come to professor Ozpin office, please come to professor Ozpin office thank you.

y/n: Alright Dark. What did you do?

Dark: I didn't do anything I'm innocent.

y/n: Well let's see what Ozpin want us then.

Dark nod his head as they head off to the headmaster office.

Few minute later.

They got out of the elevator to see Ozpin and another person who have dog ears on his head as he wear a black jacket and a mask that look like a skull with red eyes and have claws marking on the eyes hole.

???: So that my team.

Ozpin: Indeed it is.

???: Well then hello my name is Wade Spade but please call me Spade.

Dark: Nice to meet you Spade my name is Dark, Dark Narukmi.

Spade: Nice to meet you. So where is the other one? Ozpin told me that their was two team member on team Watt.

y/n: I'm right in front of you look at Dark jacket.

Spade look down for a bit to see the tiny boy in Dark pocket jacket on the chest.

Spade: Oh Sorry didn't see you there. My apology.

y/n: It okay I'm use to it when people see me for the first time. My name is y/n, y/n Rose

Spade: It nice to meet you. So I'm guessing that your size isn't your sembalence is it?

y/n: Yeah my size isn't my sembalence. Mine is that I can generate a shield that can heal people with or without an aura.

Spade: hmm impressed. So who is the team leader?

y/n: We don't have one yet cause we don't have a full team yet.

Spade: I see.

Dark: So professor Ozpin I'm guessing that Spade is our new team member.

Ozpin: Correct Mr. Narukmi you will have one more soon but he won't be here to day his bullhead have a slit delay so you all have to wait tomorrow for his arrival.

y/n: Alright professor Ozpin while we what I guess we should got to know more about each other if were going to be a team.

Ozpin nod as they gone to the elevator. After a few minute of being in the elevator the door open as they head out as Dark show Spade around beacon as it took about 2 hours till they head to their dorm till the tiny boy see his sisters and her team in front of their dorm door.

Spade: Um y/n who are they?

y/n: Oh well two of them are my sisters the one with the red cap is one of my sister Ruby and the other one is the blond hair girl name Yang and the other two the one with white hair is Weiss and the one with the bow is Blake.

Spade: Wait Weiss as in Weiss schnee?

Dark: Yeah her you have a problem with her family as well.

Spade: Mainly her father is the problem.

Dark: I can relate.

y/n: let see what they want.

They nod as they head toward team rwby as they see y/n and Dark but don't know about Spade.

Ruby: Hey little brother how you doing to day.

y/n: Where doing good sis.

Yang: So who the guy with the mask.

Tiny roseOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora