Chapter 9 Helping a friend

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It been a few days for the first year student being at beacon academy as they were eating lunch till they see Jaune a little bit sad for some reason.

Prryha: Jaune is everything alright.

Jaune: Oh yeah I'm alright. I'm fine. nothing to worry about at all.

Dark: Jaune something is wrong with you. You barely ate and you some thing trouble in thought.

Jaune was about to say something till Cardin pass by Jaune as he purposely elbow Jaune head. Cardin smirk for a bit as he try to say it was an accident as Jaune said it alright as for everyone else they say nothing as he continue waking away while he chuckled.

Prryha: Jaune are you alright?

Jaune: Yeah I'm alright it was an accident that all.

Dark: I really hate that guy.

y/n: Me too Dark. Jaune have you not realizes that Cardin is bulling you.

Jaune: What Cardin no he and I are just friend.

Ren: Are you Sure?

Jaune: Name one time that he did something bad to me

Ruby: Jaune he literally launch you out of beacon with the rocket locker

Jaune: I didn't land far from the school!

Pyrrha: Jaune, you know if you ever need help, you can just ask.

Nora: Ooooh! We'll break his legs!

Jaune: Guys, really, it's fine! Besides, it's not like he's only a jerk to me he's a jerk to everyone.

They all looks over as the laughing grows louder, mixed in with cries of pain from the rabbit girl when one of her ears are tugged on by Cardin.

???: Ow! That hurts! Please, stop . . .

Dark: I hate bullies especially that hurt faunus.

y/n: I can't stand it anymore.

The tiny boy got up as he started to walk away from his friend as Ruby and Yang know what he was doing as they see their tiny little brother heading toward Cardin and his friend as y/n pass by some other people on the table. Some of the girls aww at the tiny child till the little y/n got to the edge of the table as the child like to have a word to the bullies.

y/n: Hey stop hurting her.

Cardin let go as he turn around as he look at y/n as he stated to grin for a bit.

Cardin: Oh look it the little insect again and he trying to help this freak.

y/n: You all are nothing but a bully. Didn't any of you have any respect of being a huntsman at all or are you all just coward picking on the weak.

Cardin did not take that well as he was getting angry as he look at his team as they where angry as well.

Cardin: Well look like we have to teach this freak a lesson about talking back at us.

Cardin and his team were about to something bad they all look behind the tiny child to see a couple of angry female student ready to attack team CRDL. The three member of team CRDL runaway as the tiny boy wonder why did only three of Cardin team member run away as he turn around to see nothing but all of the student are just eating lunch as y/n turn his little head back at Cardin. As all the female student get ready to attack Cardin.

Cardin: You think that scares me.

???: No but you should be scared of me.

Cardin and the tiny boy look at their left to see it was none other then Raven with her mask on. Raven see her tiny nephew waving at her as she wave back a little then look back at Cardin who is still trying to be all big and bad.

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