Brutus conversation

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Midas PoV

You were sitting in your chair wondering what Brutus needed to talk to you about. You heard a knock on your door which scared you for a second because you were lost in your thoughts.

"Come in Brutus"

He walked over to your desk and sat in the chair in-front of you.

"Hello sir"
"Hello Brutus. So what was it that you needed to talk to me about"
"Well I know you always keep your earpiece on and last night when I was taking mine of I heard something I probably should of not"
"What did you hear?"
"I could hear you having fun."
"What do you mean"
"Well I could hear you moaning"

You put you head in your hands and started mumbling cuss words. OF COURSE I FUCKING FORGOT TO TAKE MY EARPIECE OUT. You where mentally shouting at yourself.

"Umm Midas if it helps as soon as you said y/n name and where moaning I took my earpiece out."
"Wait? Me and y/n?"
"Yeah who else would you be doing that with"
"No one"
"Midas are you cheating on y/n?"
"No but I did something that makes it seem like I was cheating"
"What did you do? Because what ever it is your gonna have to tell y/n"
"Yeah I'm gonna tell her after. Well last night I could feel someone on my lower stomach and stuff happened. I thought it was y/n until after I realised it was fake Midas" (you lying Midas)
"I know it's bad that's why most of today I have been acting weird"
"Well how didn't you notice it wasn't y/n"
"He has this things where he can change the sound of his voice."
"Well why did you just let him go after you found out?"
"He promised that he would give us a shadow file and I would never have to see his face again"
"But didn't you realise it wasn't her when you were doing that?"
"I noticed once that she was acting weird but I didn't question it and I am ashamed of this but I lied about something"
"What did you lie about?"
"Well half way through I did realise it wasn't her but he made an offer and I continued"
"MIDAS. Why would you do that to her?"
"I don't know why. I was just in the moment and wasn't thinking"
"You need to tell her now"
"Yeah that's what I'm going to do when you leave"
"No im staying"
"WHAT! Why?"
"Because I'm gonna have to stop her from beating the shit out of you."
"She won't be that bad."
"No I didn't"
"Actually yes you did. You were having sex with a different person and when you realised it wasn't her you continued"
"FUCK. I did cheat on her FUCK FUCK FUCK. I am a douchbag"
"Midas you aren't that but just tell her she might sort of understand hopefully"

You walked over to the wall and hit your head against it a few times. You then punched the wall and pulled your arm back from the pain.

"Midas that was just stupid"
"You know what I'm just gonna get her in here before you kill yourself from being dumb"

*time skip*

Y/n PoV

You walked into Midas office after being called by Brutus. As soon as you walked in you saw Midas forehead was red. It looked like he had hit it.

"OMG Midas what happened?"
"I need to talk to you about something important"
"Oh Um ok why is Brutus here?"
"He thinks you might kill me so he is here just in case"
"What happened"
"Please don't kill me. I am really sorry"
"Midas what did you do you are worrying me"
"I sound like a total douch for this. Last night I thought you were in my room and you were trying to do stuff. You where sucking me and I thought it was you until the person crawled up and I soon realised it wasn't you it was fake Midas. I tryed to get him to stop but he Started acting like you and sounding like you. He was sitting on my dick and I forgot it wasn't you until he moved wrong. I threw him down then I realised that it was wrong what I was doing"
"So you stopped?"
"Sadly no. He made a deal with me and I thought we had already gone that far so I might as well finish"

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