Make up

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It had been a week since the whole thing had happened. You were still sad but you were feeling better then you did before. You hadn't seen Midas because you had spent the whole time in your room binge watching shows, you had seen the other agents a few times.

You where quietly eating your ice cream with the tv on and scrolling through Instagram on your new phone that you had to replace.

You had eaten the last few mouthfuls a bit to quick because you now had brain freeze. You grabbed the 2L bottle of Dr Pepper and started chugging it down hoping it might help.

As soon as you finished you released a huge burp that made you giggle. You were about to go back in Instagram but you phone died so you put it on charge and continue watching the tv.

You could hear footsteps outside your door which made you curious. They soon stopped so you just watched the tv. Soon again they started but they ended in a knock.

You wasn't to sure who it was. You started thinking that it might of been peely because he sometimes visited you around this time. You soon heard the knock again.

"Come in"

You saw Midas enter your room.

"Midas go away"
"I have actually had a sort of ok week so I don't need you messing it up"
"Well I have had a depressing week and we need to talk about this"
"No we don't"
"Yes we do i want to make this work. You have made me feel ways I didn't even know where possible. I love you so much I just want this to work"
"Midas I don't think it will so you might as well leave and not waste your time"

Midas closed the door and locked it behind him. He sat down next to you on your bed.

"Please can we just try"
"Midas I doubt it would work so you should just leave"
"No. I'm not going until we try and work this out"
"Uhh fine."
"Thank you"
"So what do we do?"
"If I'm being honest I didn't think I would make it this far"
"That's what you must of always thought during sex"

He leaned over you and rested his hands on your bed frame. You when under him feeling like you used to around him. You could feel him breathing heavily on you.

"Are you sure?"

He had hastily whispered in your ear. You couldn't help it you needed him you couldn't bear another day without him or without his touch.

You pressed your lips against his you could tell he was surprised by your sudden action. He soon started kissing you back making his tongue go down your throat. (Idk 😂)

It was passionate like it used to be your lips practically sucking his lips. He placed his hand on your shoulders and dragged you down a bit.

"Y/n I'm just checking you want to do this? I'm not forcing you am I?"
"No I need you"
"Ok just checking"

He went back and started sucking that bit under your earlobe. (What is it with ears and me? 😂)
He moved back and just stared into your eyes.

"God you are beautiful I missed your face"

You grabbed his shoulders and pulled him into your chest. You shoved your hand into his pants and started stroking his penis (😂 penis) he was a lot softer than normal you looked up at him confused but he didn't notice because he was biting his bottom lip while looking up.

"Why are you so soft there"
"Well I have been moisturising a lot recently"
"Okay I'm not gonna ask"
"Best if you don't"

You grabbed the waist of the jogging bottoms and pulled them down. He went back to sucking your neck and grabbed your legs. He moved them so they where on his shoulders. (This is what I meant when I said it would be different)

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