
543 16 15

Y/n PoV

You woke up in Midas bed which was weird because you remembered falling asleep in your bed and that Meowscles was watching him.

"Hello. How was your sleep?"
"Um good"

Midas sat at the edge of the bed smiling he looked different you couldn't tell what it was but he just did. You also felt different around him than normal. You sat there thinking about it.

"Hey what would you like for breakfast doll?"
"What would you like for breakfast?"
"No what you said after that."
"Oh um ok"
"What's the matter?"
"Well you haven't ever called me that before."
"Haven't I? Oh sorry"
"No no it's not a problem I was just surprised."
"Oh ok. Am I correct thinking that you like pancakes for breakfast"
"Ok well you get dressed and I will go make them."

He soon left the room. You weren't sure about him today. He has never called you doll before and he knows pancakes are your favourite thing for breakfast.

You quickly hoped in and out of the shower and got dressed. He was soon back with the pancakes and chocolate syrup still in the bottle.

"Hey seem like you got dressed quickly. I have your pancakes here"
"Ah thank you"

He handed you the plate and kept the bottle in his hand. He gave a smirk and said "I know what we could do with this later."

You hadn't ever really heard Midas say something like that before. He was acting really weird today.

"Hey Um Midas I have a quick question how did I get into your room? Because last night I fell asleep in my bed."
"Oh Um. Sorry I fell asleep then woke up later on missing you so I picked you up out of your bed and carried you here. I shouldn't of done that sorry."
"No no it's fine. I was just a bit confused."
"Do you wanna watch Netflix and cuddle today?"
"Yeah I would love to. what about the other agents?"
"There out today getting supplies."

Midas walked over to his drawers and got out a different outfit. He had chosen a white vest top with black joggers. As he was getting dressed you noticed a golden mark on his torso that you had never seen before and you had seen him multiple time shirtless.

"Hey Midas I never noticed the mark on your torso is that new?"
"No it's a....... Mark that appears sometimes."
"Oh I didn't know that. Anyway come here I want a hug."

He ran over and jumped onto the bed. He laid down behind you and slowly wrapped his arms around your waist. You moved your hand so they were on top of his. It was nice you felt safe in a way. Midas always made you feel that way.

"Wait where's Goldie I haven't seen him today, and your haven't done baby voices to him today"
"Don't worry he is with the other agents."
"Oh ok. Sorry I just got a bit worried."
"Nah it's fine. We both get worried about him."

You pulled Midas arm up closer to you so you could sort of hug his arm. You moved your head back and stared into his beautiful eyes.

"Hey you alright?"
"Just admiring some beautiful eyes"

Midas cheeks went a light shade of pink. Whenever he was like this he was cute. He quickly kissed you on the head. He soon moved his mouth to your ear and whispered

"Hey I know what we could do."

You could see the huge smirk going across his face you would of said yeah but you where tired and just wanted to rest today.

"You know me I would love to but I'm really tired right now but maybe we could do that in the morning."
"Please could we do it now."
"Midas you are going to have to wait until tomorrow."
"Ok well I guess it's better then nothing"
"Yeah it is. Let's get back to watch the tv also I recommend you take your vest of."
"Why? I know we are going to do it in the morning so what's the point of it?"
"I just like seeing your muscular body and also I can make it that we don't do it tomorrow."

As soon as you finished Midas threw his vest on the floor. You found it funny that you sort of had control over him.  Midas hugged you tighter and moved his head into your neck. You could feel his muscles on your back it was nice.

Soon you could hear little snores coming from Midas. He had clearly fallen asleep on your shoulder which you found funny for some reason.

You could hear him mumble things you weren't sure what they were but you found it weird because Midas didn't normally mumble in his sleep. He had been acting strange all day you hoped that tomorrow he would be back to normal.

You realised that you had let out a few yawns from how tired you were. You found the remote that was next to you and turned the tv off. You decided that you were going to get some sleep like Midas had.


Ok so this was a shorter chapter. I didn't really know what to do for this part. I sort of know what I'm going to do next chapter. Also this is what happened to y/n while it was in Midas PoV. Next chapter should be interesting but yeah. Hope you have a good day and I will see you later baiii ✌️

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