The date

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Ok before I start this man above 🤜🤜🥩. I hate myself 😂. Anyway the photo above is what Midas will look like on your date.

It was finally 6:45 you were really looking forward to going out with Midas. It was the only thing you had thought about all day. You were currently sitting down on Midas bed.

He walked into the room. Omg we has so hot you just stared at him with a smile across your face.

"Ok y/n you ready to go?"
"Ok so you head out and go sit in my car and in a few minutes I will follow after. Also did you clean my car?"
"Sorry I will do it in the morning. Ok I will go make my way out."
"Ok see ya in a few minutes. Also you will be cleaning my car or you will have a different punishment." He said with a smirk.

You left making your way to the car. You couldn't believe that this was actually happening you where having a date with Midas. You where jumping up and down inside.

*time skip to fish sticks at craggy cliffs*

You and Midas had just been seated.
"So y/n how are you doing?"
"I'm doing good what about you?"
"I'm doing good. Quick question you know the meeting earlier did you actually listen to anything I said."
"Nope I was a bit busy."
"Yeah I know that for sure. How are you enjoying it at the agency?"
"I'm enjoying it. Midas let's talk about something that isn't work related."
"Ok sure so what do you want to talk about?"
"Umm I'm not sure exactly."

The waiter came over with drinks Midas had a beer and you had a coke.

"Well looks like I might be driving later then."
"Uh yeah I guess so. Just so you know you would be the only other person to drive that car that isn't me."
"So your saying no one else has ever driven that car."
"Yep no one else has ever driven it. I know."

The food arrived you both enjoyed it and were now just talking.
"So Midas I want to know more about you."
"What do you want to know about me?"
"I don't know I just want to learn more about you."
"Oh ok well I was kicked out of school when I was 13 because I couldn't exactly control my "touch" I started the agency a few years later when I was 16, I had it built and since then I have been the boss there guess. "
"Well I didn't know that."

You and Midas had a nice conversation Midas kept getting drinks as well. He was know drunk.
"Ok Midas I think we should head back."
"Yeah that could be fun and we could do the unspeakable." He said with a slur. You both walked to the car and you drove back.

*time skip you are now at the agency*

Midas was really drunk. You helped him out of the car and took him up stairs to the break room. Midas stopped for a second before you were about to enter the break room. "You have a really pretty face." He said while stroking your face he accidentally poked you in the eyes "I'm so sorry let me kiss that better for you."
"I'm good Midas"
"Are you sure because I don't mind kissing your eye better."
"I'm sure."

You walked into the break room Skye was the only other person there.
"So how was the night with your old room mates?"
"It was good when they left I was about to leave as well when I saw Midas. I had a few drinks with him and he now is drunk well he already was but he is even more drunk."

Midas walked in.
"Hi Midas" Skye said
Midas walked up to her and started patting her head.
"You are very tiny aren't you?"
"Um I guess so. I'm going to bed see you in the morning. Good luck y/n you will need it."

Well i definitely will need it.
"Ok Midas should we take you to bed?"
"I'm not tired yet I want to do something."
"What do you want to do?"
"I want you in my bed having fun!"
"Um Midas your drunk you don't know what your saying."

Midas let out a sigh and turned the other way round. You dragged him out of his chair and took him to his room.

You handed him what he normally wears to sleep.
"Ok Midas go into the bathroom and get dressed."
He walked into the bathroom there wasn't much sound for a few moments.

Midas came running out of the bathroom naked with his joggers on his head.
"Hi y/n I look like an alien with this hat."
"Umm Midas you might need to put some cloths on."
He looked down he gasped and covered his dick with his hands
"Y/n I'm naked my cloths disappeared."
"Midas there on your head."
"That's my new hat silly."
"Ok well let's get you dressed and ready for bed."
"NEVER!" He ran off and locked himself in the bathroom.
"C'mon Midas you need to get dressed."

He came out and began running around the room still naked. How am I going to get him to calm down? Meow meow will know.
You picked up your phone and called Meowscles.
"Hello y/n"
"Hi Meowscles I need your help with something."
"Sure what is it?"
"Well Midas is drunk and he is running around the bedroom naked refusing to go to bed."
"Ok I will be there in a minute."

A few minutes had passed and there was a knock on the door. Midas stopped what he was doing and said "SHADOW ARE HERE." He ran into the bathroom and locked himself in there.

You opened the door and walked out.
"Ok before you go in there be prepared he is like a 5 year old who is hyper on sugar."
"Ok well this will be fun."

You both walked in to see Midas had gone back to running around naked he had made a cape out of a towel.
"I'm superman no one can stop me." He was shouting.

You couldn't help but laugh.
"Well this wasn't what I was expecting." Meow meow said.
He walked over to Midas and pinned him down to the bed. It looked a bit wrong you could say.
"Well y/n you weren't wrong."
"With what?"
"Well you weren't wrong when you said he was big like that's massive."
You just laughed "well I'm going to go get Midas a glass of water would you like anything?"
"Nope I'm good."
"Ok I will leave you two alone then. Don't steal him from me." You said laughing
"Don't worry."

You walked into the kitchen you turned the tap on for it to get cold. You grabbed a plastic cup from the cupboard you would of gotten him a glass cup but how he was acting probably wasn't the safest thing.

You walked back into the room you saw something that you thought you would never see. Meowscles was holding Midas like a baby in his arms.
"Well I wasn't expecting that. Well I never thought that you would be holding him like that I guess."
"Same here. Well he has calmed down. Just be quiet and we shouldn't wake him." Meowscles placed him onto the bed and wrapped him in the covers.
"If he wakes up just call me."
"Ok will do hopefully I will see you in the morning."
"Hopefully. Good night"
"Good night"

You walked over to Midas he was sleeping so peacefully. He now had cloths on which was a good thing. You laid in the bed and cuddled up to him.

So Midas is a hyper 5 year old when drunk. I didn't really give to much detail to the food and that sort of stuff but I wanted to make sure I had the drunk Midas part in so yeah. Any way if there anything you would want me to add I will and I will see you later. ✌️

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