Wait what?

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You woke up to Midas staring at you. He had a huge grin across his face when he saw you were awake.

"Hey Midas are you alright?"
"Yeah I'm just looking forward to something."
"What are you looking forward to?"
"I have a gift for you."

He moved and sat right in front of you with his hands behind his back. He clearly had something in his hand that was the gift.

"Ok close you eyes and put your hands out."

You did what he said because you wanted to know what it was. You could feel something big in your hands. (😏😏)

"Open them"

You saw a big bottle of chocolate syrup. You were confused for a moment then you remembered yesterday. You laughed at his gesture of a gift.

"So am I correct thinking you want to do it with chocolate sauce?"
"Well something like that."
"Ok well we should be do that later considering I just woke up."
"Nope no time to loose."

He quickly crawled over you and started kissing your neck vigorously. He was going a lot faster than normal you still thought he was acting weird until he reached that spot and you let out a moan.

"Ok so I know where to stay."

He want back to kissing your neck after that quick comment. He was not wasting time that was clear.

"M-m-Midas should we slow down?"
"What why?"
"Well we are going a bit fast"
"I don't think so."

Midas started taking your top off and grabbed the syrup. (Mmm tasty 😂) You could hear something outside.

"Midas I think something is going on I can hear something."
"Don't worry the henchmen are probably just messing about. Ok no more distractions."

He poured the syrup over your chest you squealed at how cold it was. Midas quickly kissed your cheek then moved down.

He started licking the sauce of and he tried to make eye contact the whole time. He slowly made his way to the bud and he could tell when he was there when you let out a huge moan. You could hear him chuckle under his breath.

"Hmmm this tastes nice."
"Fuck Midas. C-could you s-stop for a second."
"Yeah why."
"I just need you to stop for a moment."

You didn't know why you just said that but you did. You were enjoying it but something felt wrong it was weird.

"You ready for me to go back?"
"Umm yeah"

As soon as he said that you could feel the pleasure he was giving you. A few load moans and escaped your breath.

The door swung open and you saw another Midas? Midas stopped and moved from between your legs and walked over to him.

The Midas at the door grabbed the other Midas and shouted
"You son of a bitch. I am going to kill you."
"Oh oh scary. What's the big problem?"
"First of all you kidnapped my girlfriend and then tried to have sex with her."
"Well she clearly didn't care about you other wise she wouldn't of let me do that."
"How fucking stupid are you? We are the same fucking person. The only difference is that I have a brain and you don't."
"Believe what you want. Do you have the file so you can have your little bitch back."
"You have just crossed the line."

He punched him in the face and he fell to the floor.

"What the fuck is happening I would like to know."
"Y/n it's me Midas I'm the real one and this is a clone that failed. We will call him Fake tiny penis Midas. Y/n I would put your top back on this shouldn't take to long."

You laughed what Midas had just called the other one. Midas looked over at you and chuckled a tiny bit. You started putting your top in knowing later you would need a shower because of how sticky you were.

The fake Midas stood up and said
"Aww you forgot we are the same person so we have the same fighting skills. Haha good luck"

You saw Midas face drop. He went to punch him put fake Midas stoped it.

"Haha good try"

He ran and pinned Midas to the floor. Midas bit fake Midas in the neck to try and get away. Fake Midas let out a moan.

"Haha jokes on your I like that shit"
"Of you corse you do you kinky mother fucker"

He started grinding his hips against the real Midas.

"NO NO NO GET OFF ME. I'm trying to get my girlfriend back but have sex with you."
"You sure?"
"Of course I'm fucking sure. The only person I ever want to fuck is y/n so get the fuck of me"

Fake Midas just ignored what he said and started kissing his neck. Midas kneed him in the crotch the fake Midas rolled of him and started holding his area.

He stood up and looked him straight in the eye.

"Aww your little little penis is hurt" he said in a baby voice.
"I bet I'm bigger then you. Y/n who is bigger?"
"Ummmmm I have only seen Midas and I don't want to see yours or get dragged into this."

Midas walked over and picked you up bridal style.

"He didn't hurt you did he because I need to know if he did"
"No no he didn't"
"Ok did he do anything else"
"Well you saw"
"Ah yes, well I need to do something about that when we get back"

You wrapped your arms around his neck and snuggled your head into his neck. You could smell his cologne and it made you smile.

"I love you and I would do anything for you."
"I love you to and I would do anything for you as well."

Midas had a smile and kissed you on the forehead. You could see everyone at the choppa waiting for both of you. Skye had a bag of sweets that made you laugh.

Tina saw you and said
"Hey y/n we missed you how are you?"
"I'm good"
"Well that's good to hear let's get back and get you rested if Midas let's you" she started smirking at the last few words.

Peely saw the syrup on your top and said
"Y/n did you and Midas do some kinky shit? Because you still have a sauce on your top"
You were quite for a few seconds then Midas said
"Peely I wish but some bastard beat me to it"
"Fake Midas?"
"Yeah but I will get my turn soon."
"Yeah you go Midas. If you want tomorrow everyone can go so you guys can go at it with no distractions."
"Um I don't know. Let me think about it"
You butted In
"Sorry but do I not have a say in this."
"Oh yeah obviously I will talk to you about it."
"Right anyway I'm going to get some sleep when we get back"
"It's 1:30 pm"
"Yeah I know but the other person made me really tired" you said trying to annoy him.
"Fuck you. *giggle* well I will make you more tired then he did that's for sure"
"Oh really?"
"Yess really we gonna do it alllll day"

Skye moved forward and said
"What are you going to do all day?"
"Umm eating"
Peely added
"Yeah eating y/n"
"I have no idea what that means but could I join when you are eating?"

Everyone started laughing and Skye just had a confused face. Meowscles started the choppa and all of you went back to the agency.


Hey how are yall? This was ummm interesting. Any ideas I will happily try and add them. So who else has caught the Midas flopper? I will see ya later baiii ✌️

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