Pizza time

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So the pizzas had finally arrived you looked to see the pizzas everyone had gotten. "Shit. I probably should of asked what everyone was having" you thought to yourself.

The pizzas where pineapple, spicy and veggie pizza. They where the only type of pizzas you didn't like. You felt a tap on your shoulder you looked to see it was Midas.
"By the look in your face you don't like them flavours of pizza do you?" Midas said smirking
" yeah I probably should of asked what pizzas everyone was getting" you replied why sighing
" well if you want you can share with me I have a meat feast pizza"
"Can I? Thank you also that's my favourite type of pizza lol"
"Wait really? That's my favourite type of pizza as well" he said with a huge smile on his face
"We have a few things in common it seem" you said giggling a tiny bit.

You both went to take a slice of the pizza when your hands suddenly met with his. You both looked at each other smiling. You where trying so hard not to blush but you couldn't help it.

*time skip* (you all enjoyed the pizza btw)

"Ok agents I know that we would normally have a movie night since we have a new agent but I think it would be best if we have it tomorrow if that's fine by you guys" Midas said
You and all the agents replied with a nod.

You started have a conversation with Tina and Skye.
Skye: "so y/n how do you feel about this job so far?"
You: "well so far I have really enjoyed it and everyone has been really kind to me"
Tina: "that's really good that your enjoying it so far. I'm looking forward to tomorrow when we have movie night."
Skye: "OMG me to it's probably my one of my favourite things about working here. Wait do you guys want to have a sleepover in my room in a few days and we can play a games like truth or dare"
You: "that could be really cool and a good way to get to know you guys"
Tina: "so it's set in a couple of days we all will have a sleepover in Skyes room."

You all decided to head to bed since you all where tried. You followed Midas to his room since you where staying there.

You entered his room and quickly remembered you didn't have any cloths to change into since you hadn't left the agency from you meeting:

"Hey um Midas I don't have any cloths to change into. You asked the tall pale man.
"Ok give me a second and I will sort something out." He said while going thew his draws.
"Here it's not a lot but it should do for the night" he said while handing you pair of his grey joggers and a black vest top of his.
"Thank you I will just go to the bathroom and go get changed"
You said while walking to the bathroom you couldn't believe that he gave you his cloths to sleep in for the night you where so happy. You put on the cloths he had given you. They where so comfy and they smelt like him what made you very happy you where over the moon then you stopped for a second and thought "wait a damn minute am I catching feelings for my BOSS that I have only known for less the 24 hours?"
You could but help but think about that for a few minutes until you heard a knock on the door. It was Midas.

"Hey girlie you've been in their for a few minutes are you ok?" He asked sounding a tiny bit worried
"I'm fine I should be out in a minute" you replied back smiling
"Ok just checking to make sure you where ok and nothing had happened"
You laughed a tiny bit hearing him slowly leave the door.

You left the bathroom to see him laying on his bed with a pair of trousers on but no T-shirt what made you smile a tiny bit. You didn't ever realise how muscular he was mostly because his shirt and vest was always coving them up.

"Like what you see" he giggled after seeing you there
You looked at him and you both where laughing you got into the bed and went to sleep.

So what do you guys think so far? Like always I would love to hear your ideas. It's currently late here where I am and I'm a bit tired so In the morning I will check for mistakes. Also I'm probably going to put some Midas memes at the top of chapters . So yeah hopefully I will see you in the next chapter and baii have a great day

Midas x reader Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang