Getting to know everyone

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He stood up out of his chair offering you his hand up you kindly accepted. You put your hand in his and you realised he had very very soft hands. He approached the door opening it and gesturing for you to go threw.

You both made it out of his office and started talking.
"So in the morning I will go and help you collect all your stuff that you need from your house. Quick question where do you live on this island? Just so I know tomorrow."
"I live in lazy lake so not to far but it sometimes it is a struggle to get there."
"Wait really I used to live at Lazy Lake before I started being boss here. What a coincidence" he replied with a grin on his face. He didn't look like a person who would smile a lot.

You both approached a glass door he opened it and you saw a a group of people. You didn't know what to do so you just stood there smiling and waving awkwardly.
"Agents this is y/n l/n she will be are newest agent."
Midas said braking the silence you saw that his smile was gone which was a bit random.

All the agents introduced themselves and you introduced yourself as well. There was one girl called Skye who seemed a lot younger then the other agents. You seemed to get on well with her for the few moments you guys spoke.

"Anyway I'm going to show y/n around the rest of the agency" Midas said braking up the conversations.

*time skip* (he's shown you all around the agency now is going to show you his room)

"Last but not least here is my room that you will be staying for a few weeks" you wasn't sure if he was unimpressed or annoyed or even happy he was a very hard person to read. You entered his room
"Wow this is nice. It must of taken some time to decorate in here" you said looking astonished. He had black walls with sparks of gold shining threw, he had a black bed with gold on the edges. (There where other amazing things in the room but I'm just a bit to lazy to describe them)

"Thank you. It took some time planning and to actually create it me and the henchmen but a lot of hard work into here" he said looking proud now this was an emotion you could read.
"Anyway I think we all are going to have pizza tonight is their any pizza you want pacifically or anything you want?"
"I don't mind what I have I will probably just take bit of everyone's" you said smiling
"Ok are you sure there is nothing you want"
" (I want you jk jk unless 👁👄👁) nope I'm sure there is nothing I would want specifically"
"Ok well I'm going to the break room to go and call the place to get it delivered you can come if you want"
"Sure I'll tag along"
You looked at him you could see him trying not to let the corners of his mouth turn into a smile. Which made you giggle a tiny bit.  You followed him into the break room.

So what do you guys think so far? Like always if there is anything you think I should add or you want me to add just let me know. Also I will probably be uploading a chapter everyday or every other day. So yeah see ya in the next chapter. Baiiii

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