25 | The Final Showdown

Start from the beginning

"Logan." She called out to him. The man huffed, grabbing his sunglasses and placing them on his face. Once he finally caught up with her, Evie asked, "You alright?"

"Just used to that beeping." He told her as they joined Hank and Charles. Evie smiled sympathetically at him, patting his shoulder.

"I haven't found her yet," Charles informed the two as they stopped. "But she has to be here."

As the telepath carried on searching, the performance infront of them started. There were hundreds of cameras around, broadcasting the entire event. There was no way Erik wouldn't show up, he was too much of a drama queen to pass up this opportunity.

An older man with white hair took to the stage, throwing his hand to the side to announce, "The President of the United States."

They watched as President Nixon took the stage, waving at the screaming crowds below. However, the mutant's eye was not on him, it was on the doctor that was to the left of him.

"Well, we've found Trask." Evie muttered to herself as she watched him carefully, wanting nothing more then to smack the smug smile off his face.

"My fellow Americans, today, we face the greatest threat in our history: Mutants." The President told the audience which made the brunette grit her teeth in anger. "We have prepared for this threat. In the immortal words of Robert Oppenheimer, 'Behold. The world will never be the same again.'"

The white curtain fell from behind him revealing four large robots. There was something in her stomach that told her that these were Sentinels. She glanced to the man stood next to her who had clenched his jaw. That's how she figured out how dangerous these things could be in the future.

"Knowing what they do in the future, those things are scary." Evie comments quietly so that only her friends could hear. Hank nodded in agreement.

"I have her." Charles announced as he pointed towards the side of the stage. "There, see? Secret Service man, left of the stage."

Evie looked to the direction where the man was pointing and saw a frozen man stood awkwardly next to the stage. "Got it, come on."

The trio made their way through the crowds, pushing past people. Nixon was still talking and the Sentinels powered up, not that the mutants noticed. Their pace quickened as soon as they were close to Raven, seeing her mouth moving.

Just as they were about to pass the Stage Guards, one of them stopped the trio in place. "Gentlemen, you cannot pass this point." He told then sternly, not letting them pass even though they struggled.

"I'm DOD, get the hell out of my way now!" Evie demanded, grabbing the guard's hand and ripping it off her body. "There's an emergency!"

The sound of gears moving made them look to the stage. Evie's eyes widened in panic as she watched the Sentinel lift it's arm and began firing at them. Bullets started flying out of the gun that was attached to it.

A bullet lodged into the police car behind them and it exploded. The shock sent the three mutants flying to the floor, Evie landing painfully on her arm. She groaned in pain, rolling onto her back opening her eyes so she could see.

When she did, she saw a white block of concrete falling towards her face. In seconds, she had rolled out of the way and the rock smashed into the ground where she was once led. As she took deep breaths, she looked to the sky.

A shadow fell over them as a floating stadium flew over her head. Her jaw dropped at the sight, seeing more debris fall from it. That's when she saw the one person in the middle, Erik.

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