"Securing our future." He replied solemnly. "Forgive me, Mystique. As long as you're out there we'll never be safe."

Instantly, Evie grabbed her gun with her left hand and held it towards his face. An seething look in her eye. It was similar to the one that she held in the plane yet this one was more murderous, like she was ready to kill him.

"Put the gun down!" She shouted at him, her hand shaking slightly. It was like Erik had an eye for pointing out her weaknesses.

Erik raised a brow at her, not moving an inch. "You have metal plates in your arm." He observed which made her eyes widen in panic.

A pain filled cry escaped her lips as she dropped her gun. She dropped to the floor in pain, clutching her arm as the metal plates began to shift. A sob escaped her lips as the plates stopped moving. As she gathered herself, she heard the muffled voices of her friends.

"Use your powers, Charles, stop him." Raven told her brother, looking even more terrified.

Erik scoffed gently. "He can't."

A gun shot rang out which made Evie clutch her ears. It was like all the memories of Vietnam came rushing back all at once, tears rolling down her face as she tried to focus herself. The sound of a window shattering made her look upwards to find out the situation.

Trask was escaping, Logan was having a moment on the floor, Charles and Hank were knocked down and Erik was going after Raven out of the window.

The brunette stumbled upwards, gripping the table as stability. A fury grew in her veins at the polish man, her teeth gritting. Her feet traveled forward, picking up her gun as she did so. Violently, she pulled on the curtains which made the topple down.

Raising the gun, Evie aimed it so that she would be hitting Erik's head. But there was something within her that made her not want to shoot a friend. With annoyance rippling through her body, she lowered the gun so that the target was somewhere else.

She pulled the trigger without another moment of hesitation. Erik let out a chocked gasp as a bullet embedded itself into his shoulder. He didn't have a chance to react as Hank in full beast mode jumped onto him and slammed him into the fountain.

"Raven!" Evie shouted which made the blue women look at the window. "Run!"

And she didn't hesitate to escape into the crowd. Evie hoped that they would be able to find her again after this but with Erik on his daily murderous rampage, they needed her to escape.

A growl made her look back to the fountain and she gasped in shock. Hank was being held up by metal claws with Erik walking out of the water. His eyes met with hers and Evie glared at him hatefully, reloading her gun for good measure before she exited the window.

The next sight she was met with was a confusing one. A worried Charles was holding onto Logan who seemed to be having a break down. Evie placed her gun in the back of her belt as she walked over to the two.

"Is he okay?" Evie questioned the Englishman in concern. Charles simply shrugged in just as much confusion as her.

Logan blinked looking around before his eyes landed on the brunet. "Professor?" He questioned him in confusion.

"What happened to you?" Charles asked him as he looked over the man.

"I just saw someone who's going to bring me a lot of pain some day." Logan admitted before standing up straight, gaining his composure. "Where's Raven?"

"Gone." Evie replied as she began to walk out the room, stopping in the doorway.

Logan furrowed his brows in confusion. "What?"

Explosive Thoughts | Charles Xavier [1] ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now