18 | Battle of Jurisdiction

Start from the beginning

Evie ripped off her glasses and looked to the Major, her red lips curling in amusement. "Agent Evie Dalton, DOD." She explained which caused his face to drop in shock. "These men are going back home and as former military myself, I understand how badly they'd want actual beds. Why stop them from getting that?"

At this point Evie was practically standing in front of Stryker, her eyes begging him to challenge her. Even though she was shorter then him, the intimidation she carried was bigger then anything in the world.

Stryker growled in anger, pulling his papers from his pocket. "This paperwork -"

"- Is void." Evie interrupted, pulling it from his hands and ripping it up. She dropped it to the floor like it was nothing, her eyes still on him. "The Senator threw it out, it seems your extinction of mutants will never happen. So I'll say this again. These men are going home." Her voice turned so cold it made her friend's shiver.

"I'd agree with Agent Dalton, she seems to have the higher authority here." The Colonel stated as he stood there. If Evie had her glasses still on then she would have rolled her eyes yet she couldn't. Did Raven have to be so obvious?

Stryker turned to the hidden mutant, his eyes full of annoyance. "I'm sorry, who are you?"

"The question is, Major ..." The Colonel expressed as he grabbed the dog tags from his neck to read them. "Who are you?"

Without hesitation, Raven turned back into her natural blue form, ripping the dog tags from the Major. Her hand went to Stryker's throat as she began to fight other soldiers.

Joining in the fight, Evie turned and kick a solider holding a serum. She didn't know what the yellow liquid did and she didn't want to find out. The glass tube dropped to the floor and smashed into tiny pieces. Grabbing the gun from her hip, she smacked the handle into his head, knocking him out.

The gun was kicked out of her hand, making her wince. She quickly ducked under the fist that was coming at her, slamming her left fist into his nose. The man stumbled back while Evie gripped her arm in pain.

During this time, a soldier came from behind the brunette, locking her in a headlock. As she struggled to get out, they twisted around, seeing Raven flip someone over her shoulder. Evie paused in awe, staring in shock.

"Damn, I gotta learn that." She muttered to herself before slamming her elbow into the solider's stomach making him stumble backwards.

Turning on her leg, she slammed her foot into the man approaching her's crotch. He doubled over in pain. Someone kicked her legs from under her which made her hit the ground with a groan. A gun clicking made her turn in shock. Before a solider had time to fire at her, a long tongue grabbed his neck and slammed him to the floor.

Evie followed the direction of the tongue to see one of the quarantined soldiers sat looking at her. She nodded at him, clearly thankful of his rescue. A hand appeared in front of her which caused her to look at the figure.

Above her stood Alex, his blond hair slicked to the side, a smile on his face as he offered his hand. "Here." A smile over took Evie's as she grabbed his hand, helping herself up.

"Thanks." She smiled, wanting to hug him. However she knew this was not the time or place for it, even if she wanted to. Alex's eyes drifted to the scene behind the brunette and his expression dropped.

"Raven." Alex called out in warning, watching the blue women choke out the Major.

Evie watched as the man's face turned red, trying to gasp for air but there was none. Raven raised him above the ground, so he choked.

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