Miguel and Diego shared a look before they both sat down either side of her, Miguel leaned forward on his elbows in concern and Diego idly placed an arm around the back of her chair.

"You can tell us anything you know. No matter how trivial you think it is - that's why we're your brothers." Miguel said softly.

She looked at him with a faraway look in her eyes. Taiga had often wished for a family like this, one that would offer her unconditional support. Already, they had had their differences but what family didn't? Despite her being more fragile than she'd like to admit, it was obvious that she saw her brothers as her pillars of safety.

This was the first step. She felt courageous enough to ask for help and that in itself proved how much she had grown.

"I'm scared that Cole and Jason will come back." She said, downcast.

Diego and Miguel instantly understood the crease in her brows and the fear running behind her eyes. Although even they were uncertain of when they'd capture Cole and Jason, they knew that eventually they would.

"Oh, Taiga." Miguel started. "Don't work yourself up over it - we won't let them hurt you again and I'd give my life to make sure it doesn't happen."

But that wasn't what she wanted. She wanted all of them to be safe and live peacefully, not constantly having to think about when the next danger would approach or if she could stomach her food. She wanted all of them to be happy.

"I don't want you to get hurt." She said, looking up at Miguel's similar brown gaze.

"He won't." Diego piped up next to her. "None of us will. Okay, nena?" He tried to assure her.

She realised she must sound rather irritating by constantly dumping her overthinking on other people and almost let herself slip back into the place she hated. But before she did, her brothers managed to keep a hold of her.

"Leonardo probably promised he'd find them, right?" Miguel questioned, making her slightly nod in return.

"Then don't think about it anymore because Leo never breaks his promises." Diego finished.

It made sense - Leo was an extremely trustworthy and organised person and if anyone could find them, it would be him but there would always be a seedling of doubt growing in her mind. The only thing she could do was try and crush it before it consumed her.

"Now, come on. Cheer up." Miguel smiled before he nodded at Diego who slyly began to tickle her.

Taiga released a fit of endearing giggles, her previous concerns disappearing in that perfect moment between brothers and sister. It was a heartwarming scene and both Miguel and Diego were relieved they had managed to ease some of Taiga's tension.

She needed to learn how to be a child, even if it was only for a few years. She deserved it. Because of the circumstances she had to face alone, Taiga had missed out her childhood, forced to take on responsibilities she never should have to.

Now her brothers would make sure she would only have the best. Her teenage years were yet to come and they were determined to make her experience as much as possible - except boys, of course.

As she was laughing, the mood was broken by the entrance of Rafael at the door.

It had been a long while since they had talked - he had been extremely harsh towards her and although she could understand why he was frustrated at the time, Diego was better now and Rafael had acted appallingly.

She would not apologise first.

His emotions were impossible to read as he briskly left the room, Diego standing and following behind him shortly after. With the joyful aura being completely ruined, Taiga turned to Miguel.

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